Who Would You Rather?: Infomercial Edition

Infomercial, Sham Wow, Tony Parks
This week's "Who Would You Rather?" was recommended in our office "in honor of Billy Mays", and it was so wrong that we had to use it. So without further ado, we're asking… who would you rather–the Sham Wow guy (left) or Tony Little (right)? If we don't get sent to hell for sucking cock, we're pretty sure this sealed the deal for our one-way ticket.
– Dewitt

20 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: Infomercial Edition

  1. ShamWow for sure !
    Tonya little is like a chick and Billy Mays had that horrible dyed hair !
    Tonya little cumming would sound like a chick while Mays would be so loud, he would wake the neighbors.

  2. Since both are gross I would have to do the most annoying one–pounding him from behind HARD AND AGGRESIVE. Oh, and the most annoying one is definitely Tony Little.

  3. Blech! Billy Mays has ruined me for any other pitch-men, not that either of these choices could be considered “men”

  4. you never know, vince might actually be an imposter so you an’t bank off that alone!
    he also fails as soon as he comes in contact with fabric softener.

  5. Not really into either, but I’ll reluctantly take the Shamwow guy (apparently, I’m gonna love his nuts).
    Still would rather either/both of the Pitchmen (alive, of course).

  6. Ah yes, pre-Sham-wow guy did testify that we were gonna love his nuts….because of the food chopper he was pitchin’….I still would not do him….his one chameleon eye creeps me out too much.

  7. Shamwow, if I had to choose between the two, but I’d rather just have any of the many BowFlex guys. Damn, those commercials got me through High School.

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