The National Organization for Marriage Releases Anti-Gay Marriage Video

The National Organization for Marriage has released the most ridiculously awful anti-gay marriage ad in a long time. The ad not only attempts to use scare tactics but the cheesy scenery, the ridiculously melodramatic script and so much more makes this ad laughable at best.

I hope they show this to as many people as possible, it's so bad it'll probably bring people to our side!

Check out the ad and let me know what you think.

– Andy

28 thoughts on “The National Organization for Marriage Releases Anti-Gay Marriage Video

  1. oh that is FUUUUUNY. Who produced that? the cheapest producer that takes BJ’s in the airport stalls and then runs home to the church to confess and make it all better?

  2. They have a RAINBOW COALITION…a RAINBOW! who ths fuck said they could have our rainbow!? Oh and by the way I would like to point out everyone in that ad looked like rejected extras from Law & Order, at least get people that look like they are intelligent, you also know their was no token queen stylist on set or she would have fix and highlighted all of those checkbones…

  3. if gays get married it will take away their freedom? lol…i do not see it taking away anything. there is no loss on their side. apparently their writers havent gotten the message that the strike is over with. or maybe…oh yeah they totally got bush to write that shit. yeah that must be it.

  4. I agree – let’s show this as often as possible, everywhere. If this is the best they’ve got, so be it.

  5. what the hell was that? i can’t even see those against gay marriage taking this seriously.

  6. The irony is totally lost on these inbred, knuckle dragging f*#k-tards!
    Oh, but I got a good laugh there!

  7. heres the assholes phone number in case anyone wants to raise hell
    Phone: (609) 688-0450

  8. It’s funny how in every anti-gay marriage ad/website/etc, they claim allowing gay marriage will cause harm and rob straight people of their rights yet never say how it will do so.

  9. could someone explain to me why the doctor from california says she has to “choose between her faith and her job”? what the hell do doctors have to do with marriage?

  10. “…And in this gathering storm of dark clouds and big, scary winds, up is down, cats and mice drink tea together, and horses ride people! It’s total, Godless chaos! I’m a writer for Hallmark, and I’m forced to write ‘For Him, from Him’ romantic greeting cards. I don’t have a choice – And neither will you.”
    Y’know, gay marriage has been legal (in various places) for a while now, and all existence hasn’t rolled up on itself. In fact, these fuckwits are still free enough to pollute the airwaves with their obscenity. It turns out that the GLBT community is one of those few, glorious holdouts in Their efforts to undermine the Bill of Rights, go fig.
    PS – Is teaching acceptance of same-sex marriage really a part of Massachusetts’ schools’ curriculum? Good for them!

  11. Where the hell was this marriage coalition when the divorce rate climbed to 50%? Where was the armed church forces when every Tom, Dick, and Mary were marching to divore court? What happened to seperation of church and state? Give me a break! If your defense to marriage is God made Adam and Eve well swallow this God also made Adam and Abraham. Put down your glass bibles and fight for something worth fighting for. We are at War and in a recession give the Damn people their Marriage certificates and go back to work, IF YOU STILL HAVE A JOB.

  12. Nathan – She has to choose between her faith and her job because she’d rather let homosexuals die than treat them, but the law forbids that kind of thing over there.

  13. There should be a warning at the beginning of this video that says :Warning… This video has been proven to cause hemorrhaging in the brain. lol When are we going to change pledge of allegiance from one nation under God to one nation under Satan? Who knew that on the back of the statue of liberties tablet it had a list of exceptions to who America would not taken in and consider a human being? If you ask me, these organizations are terrorists themselves. They do meet the requirements of radical views and they spread a message of fear and hate. Yes I know that it’s not called fear and hate if they do it in the name of God (or in this case Satan), its called propaganda. In my opinion, we should all pool our money and buy our own country or island. Well, what about Australia? I wonder what we could buy that for. Back to the topic at hand, I feel that what these people are doing is more of an “abomination” than we are. They are praying on week minded Americans who are so caught up in there own universe that they can not take the time to stop and learn the facts. I highly doubt that gay marriage will take the divorce rate past its 51 percent. Kids are not going to turn gay and their morals (which they should decide on for themselves) will not be contorted into butt fucking devil worshipers because they learn about gay marriage. (By the way, I went to public school and I don’t remember marriage being taught in the first place.) I think what the world needs today is another Harvey Milk. Someone who every GLBT member can stand behind.

  14. Aren’t our freedoms being taken away by not being allowed to live freely? Also, if it was only 20 years ago the minorities in this video would not of been allowed to marry someone outside of their race do to it being “unmoral” and “unethical” so think again people.

  15. I find their argument so laughable that it just makes me want to cry – because they really believe that allowing gay people to marry will take something away from the union of 2 people.
    When any straight couple WHO JUST MET while “vacationing” in Vegas can get married in a DRIVE-THRU wedding chapel.
    OMG! Like that doesn’t take away from the sanctity of marriage. Yet you don’t see them going on and on and on about that shit.

  16. I’m getting beyond tired of the “same sex marriage takes my right away” thing. Like someone else said, these ads keep saying this, yet never explain HOW. There are murders and rapes happening out in the world every day, but God forbid two people of the same sex get married, let’s focus on that instead. This ad is beyond ignorant.

  17. The thing is, they don’t pose any real argument. There’s no substance here, no data, no supporting evidence…nothing really. Very poorly written and completely unconvincing. They don’t even present people that are dynamic or have any charisma.
    This is a really pointless and silly ad.

  18. We all ought to visit that website and use it to send messages of support for equal rights for everyone and gay marriage. You can delete what they’ve already filled in and write what you want when sending the emails. Use their website against them. Wouldn’t it be fine if they found out most of the hits to their site was for sending messages in support of gay marriage? Ah, the irony!

  19. In what possible way are we going to take away her “freedom” WTF? I am a college student and I thought we, as society were past this kind of issues. It was wrong from me to assimilate that. I guess they [the people who made this ad] are trying to aim to close minded people who have not enough information that they probably they don’t even know the difference between queer and gay.
    I thought it was funny that they clearly stated that the content was paid by the organization, I guess whoever broadcast that ad really thought about the consequences it they did not put that in there.

  20. Don’t know that this comment will make much of a difference, but here it goes.
    Yes, I agree that the ad was very emotional and poorly written and had no good legal or logical arguments against gay marriage.
    But nevertheless we must take such attacks on equality seriously. We cannot allow ourselves the luxury of writing them off as poorly written, overly dramatic ramblings of bigots and the religious right.
    Emotional appeals and playing on fears real or imagined are powerful, perhaps that is why the inequality movement uses such appeals.
    to briefly respond to the comment above, NO we are not past such things: homophobia, racism, sexism still exist.
    And as Chris Hedges says “Tolerance is a virtue, but tolerance coupled with passivity is a vice”.
    We must take ads like this seriously and never underestimate the danger they pose to the equality movement, liberal and progressive people must activley work against such bigotry and hate, tolerance of this kind of thing is unacceptable.

  21. I found interesting though, i was actually reading the “get informed” section of their website and they have tips on how to talk to “Supporters of SSM” At the same time they state that “Supporters of SSM […] seek to change the subject to just about anything: discrimination, benefits, homosexuality, gay rights, federalism, our sacred constitution. Our goal is simple: Shift the conversation rapidly back to marriage. Don’t get sidetracked. Marriage is the issue. Marriage is what we care about. Marriage really matters. It’s just common sense.” yeah, because this is in NO WAY discrimination, its just “common sense”

  22. So many odd issues here. But two thoughts. . .
    First off, gays don’t want to advocate for lifelong monogamy in marriage. . .if they did it would be easier for conservatives to take. We gays (or at least the activist variety) want to have marriage but not the clear moral standards of marriage, i.e. legal protections and property rights, but not the moral component that is a part of marriage. Most conservatives mean that we’ll end up with a very debased definition of marriage. I think this is a fair argument and should be addressed honestly.
    Second, because “gay rights” is mostly forced on the public by courts and not from the electorate, it creates fear and loathing from folks who might not otherwise five a crap.

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