I have to admit, after all my years of using Manhunt, I’m sometimes at a loss for what to say to handsome guys that are “looking for friends”. To say, “Wanna be my friend?” seems… needy? Desperate? So that’s out… But “Oh hey I noticed […]
Tag: Pop Music
Manhunt Man of The Week: Bazinga1982, An Australian Music Lover
Bazinga1982 comes to us all the way from Sydney, Australia. You can definitely get a sense of his playful nature in his pictures, but he’s also a no-nonsense guy when it comes to what he wants. He’s currently dating right now, but don’t let that […]
The Jonas Brothers Come “Out”
I’m a filthy liar. The Jonas Brothers sat down with OUT magazine to whore their upcoming new album and pose for pics (which is the only reason they’re still showing up on magazine covers – cuz’ they grew up hot). It’s Out, so they were […]
What’s This “Secret Project Revolution” Madonna Is Being All Mysterious About?
And do we care? I sorta do. Some of you younger guys probably don’t. And a few of you don’t have a clue as to the identity of this mysterious YouTube lady. But I have to care! As a gay born in none of your […]
Secret Sex: Jake Dibeler
If this bearded fellow looks familiar, it’s because you’ve seen him before in my dear co-blogger’s “Must Watch: A Bear With A Butt Candle” post (which I pretty much made him write). His name is Jake Dibeler, and I am one-hundred percent addicted to his […]
Lady Gaga Flies (Literally) Into Central Park
This could have been an unmitigated disaster, but she pulled it off. Lady Gaga ZIPLINED into her Good Morning America concert in Central Park this morning. Click on the link below to watch. Does anyone else get nervous with this sort of thing live? You […]
Beyonce’s Feminist Club Anthem Has A Video
Beyonce and her lingerie-clad lady army are taking over the post-apocalyptic desert from these trifling men! Beyonce’s first single off the upcoming 4, which initially sounded like a mess, might grow on me because the video is hot. Fierce dancin’, fierce clothes, and most of […]
Lady Gaga’s “Hair”
The Lady Gaga juggernaut continues rollin’ down the pop star superhighway. “Hair” is the FOURTH advance single from next week’s release of the sure-to-be-epic Born This Way. Seriously, there was less fanfare when the rock rolled aside and Jesus came out of the cave. Do […]
Random Question: Is “Born This Way” Racist?
We know, we know! You’re sick of hearing about Lady Gaga. Her name’s already been mentioned in two of today’s posts, so it’s probably overkill to even broach this topic. However, if we’ve learned anything in the past, there are two things Manhunt Daily readers […]
Aural Only: Cher
Holy crap, holy crap! Bust out your naked bodysuits and sequin-covered dildos, because Cher is back in the motherfucking house. Did you hear that sound? It was this sixty-four year-old diva simultaneously snatching the wigs from the heads of Britney Spears, Madonna and Lady Gaga. […]