Survivor Outcast Was Just Protecting His Butthole


I haven’t been following Survivor: Nicaragua, but I did catch the one episode where one of the contestants, Shannon Elkins (a dude),  tried to out a castmate, Sash, during Tribal Council. Shannon questioned whether Sash was gay while Sash insisted that he was a big heterosexual (after a long pause). The fact that Sash lives in NYC doesn’t help, because according to Shannon the city is “full of a bunch of gay people”.

After being voted off, Shannon is trying to save his reputation and extend his fifteen minutes of fame by responding to the accusation that he’s homophobic.

“I’m not a homophobe and I’m not a sexist. … As far as the gay bashing, I didn’t bash any gays. I didn’t say, ‘I hate gays.’ I didn’t say, ‘Gays are stupid.’ I stereotype, my brother. It’s like the show ‘Waterboy,’ people think we [people in Louisiana] ride airboats to work, we have no teeth, and we wrestle alligators for a living. Well people from Louisiana think people from New York are either in the mob or gay. I stereotype like everybody else stereotypes. … I was concerned that he was gay and I was protecting my butthole. … I don’t have to ask Sash if he’s gay. Look at the kid, he’s gay. He kept on and on telling me I was a liar. He should have kept his mouth shut and he wouldn’t have been called out in front of America.”

Are you serious Shannon? Just trying to protect your butthole? I don’t need to say anything else on this matter. Homophobe Shannon has pretty much said it all. What an idiot. Thoughts?

– Andy

To watch the video of Shannon during Tribal Council, follow the JUMP:

47 thoughts on “Survivor Outcast Was Just Protecting His Butthole

  1. I agree. Hot nipples. A lot like my own. Beautiful eyes, too. But yeah, he’s a homophobe. Probably a really big jerk, too.
    Instead of promoting his home state of Louisiana, it’s people & all the diversity of the state, he goes out of his way to insult others. And only a homophobe would go out of his way to try & out someone else as well as making such idiotic statements like, “I’m protecting my butthole.” I hope this jerk’s 15 minutes of fame is over & done with.

  2. Obviously Shannon lives closer to Arkansas, far far far from New Orleans! I mean come on, New Orleans has a HUGE gay population! I don’t think New York is known for it’s gay population!

  3. Um…. Arkansas?
    I live in AR. and while it doesnt have the huge gay population NOLA does, we are not the cause by proximity of this guy being a phobe, but hey, i guess we dont wear shoes and fuck our brothers in between watching nascar and chunkin beer bottles out of the windows of our mobile home, so maybe twisted knows all about us 🙂

  4. yea I never thought NYC was a gay capital. I thought the country that San Fran was gay capital. This guy is a homophobe. He likes to stereotype? What a douche. reality shows are all about displaying douchebags to the world. Its so sad! Reality shows are ruining our culture.

  5. Dumbass hick from Lousianna. That’s all I have to say. I have seen “Waterboy”, I have been to Alabama and Georgia, and New York, and I have seen pictures of NYC Pride parades. Shannon is just stupid and thank god he got kicked off. Protecting his butthole, maybe he’s the gay one…Insecure much?

  6. This guy feels he needed to protect his “butthole”…I can understand that because he is a big “butthole”. There is a saying about those that protest too much and I would be willing to gamble my savings on the fact somebody has had his butthole. I could not believe my ears when he went off at the tribal meeting. He is totally a homophobe and I feel sorry for anyone that lives near him or deals with him in any way. I am glad he was voted off, now who do we see about having him voted out of our country?

  7. firstly, wth is with shannon asking that in the first place? compleeeeetly random.
    i think he more meant hes trying to cover his ass in general, but hes just a dumbfck and it came out wrong.
    second does anyone agree that sash looks gay? n there WAS that awkward silence.. meh, either way hes cute 🙂

  8. Shannon says he is not Homophobic. Yet he says he “was concerned” about a team mate being gay.

    What’s the concern about?

    Seems his Homophobic tendancies are coming thru subconsciously.

    I’m glad that his teammates saw him for who he truly is, and voted him off.


  9. this guy is a complete idiot and a dumbass. i think he was trying to change the subject and that he did. and from the looks on the others faces, they were all like “what” where did that come from. he definitely needs to know when to shut up.

  10. i’m curious. has anyone ever been asked the question, “are u straight?” as opposed to ” are u gay?” ha

  11. I watched the episode…… everyone was shocked by his behavior, including Jeff Probst…. it was ridiculous…

    at one point I did think that Sash might be gay, but at the tribal council one kid sitting right next to Shannon was almost in tears, so he might be the closeted gay in the group (along with a parade of seemingly middle-aged Lesbians)….

    what irks me is the statement that he is stereotyping because everyone else does… first, stereotyping IS expressing prejudice….. second, we r all free agents able to act differently from the ones around us, we all should know what is right and what is wrong…

    I bet this dude grew up being called gay or a girl because of his name, so his way to deal with it is to gay bash…..

  12. Ugh I don’t watch this show, but I do think it’s odd how that douche asked that guy if he was gay. His sexuality had no bearing on their conversation. Shannon needs to just go ahead and sample a big fat D. He is obviously curious.

  13. He seemed to focus so much more on the fact that his opponent might be gay. Really… “protecting your butthole?” From what you truly desire sounds more like it. He’s not homophobic, he just trying to throw the focus off of his own secret desire to get fucked. I bet by the end of this year that will be some gay news on Shannon. I would even put money on the fact that he did all of this to up his exposure so he could pose for playgirl or will be doing some porn with Jake Cruise, Sean Cody or any of a number of gay sites. I GUARANTEE IT!

  14. Maybe a future porn movie in the works with this dude Shannon and the reality “star”, turned porn star, Steven Dangledick, or whatever his name is!!! LOL

  15. Present himself as a panicky loudmouth
    chucking ‘spears’ at everyone in the
    group.A manipulating,insulting horses
    ass who plainly deserved to be eliminated
    did himself no favours though in his mind
    he’s done nothing wrong,he is always right
    and beyond reproach..His manner & way of
    speaking made him intensely unattractive
    regardless of his physical attributes.

    Epic FAIL

  16. hahahaha he wishes someone wanted his ass but w that face and his wet nurse nipples who would? if ya just wanted to bang the guy just bang him lol

  17. I am following this season as always and this was only the second episode! What’s sad is this guy is raising 5 children if I’m not mistaken. muscles or not he should have gotten a punch in the face.

  18. This guy is a typical Homophobe who’s probably getting it up the hole he was protecting, just like so many of the Republician’s in office. I never thought, people went to work in airboats in La.
    If I was from La. I’d find this A-hole and tar and feather his ass for making that statement about people in La.

  19. it’s so typical also of hetero and homohpobe males to think that every gay guy wants them, to be honest most of them turn me off,once they open their mouths, and you realize they have no brain

  20. I don’t think it’s been said yet, but I’d rather hook up with Chase than this Shannon idiot… Chase is lookin pretty good to me! 🙂

  21. What a shame. I admit, I stereotype, too. I thought Sash was gay (still do, in fact). And I also first loved Shannon at first because he was hot, and I wanted him to go far. But after that…man. Just awful. I really wish people were as ugly on the outside as they are on the inside.

  22. LOL anyone proclaiming 2 be protecting his BUTTHOLE sounds a lot more HOMO than HOMOPHOBIC . I bet he has a suitcase full of BUTT plugs ( N all shapes , colors & sizes ).He probably keeps telling himself that in spite of the enormous PLEASURE that he gets from continuously having a big BLACK BUTT plug up his ass ( especially while masturbating & thinking about guys who would FUCK the living SHIT out of him ) the butt plug is strictly 4 the sole purposes of protecting his BUTT HOLE from all the undesirables !!!

  23. Hey…. I love survivor and I’m not “White Trash” talk about stereotyping… Shannon was a terrible asshole and a jerk… I hope his children aren’t plagued with is ignorance and atittudes towords people… he had to go… Nak and Holly are also batshit… so many crazies this season.

  24. Forget this guy. Run a pictoral on Chase. The TV Guide channel did a preview of the season and Chase was walking around in nothing but a pair of boxer briefs…and he was packing!!!!

  25. This clown Shannon is off the show now, so no need to even think about him anymore. Amen to those of you commenting on Chase. I’d definitely love to be on my knees in front of that guy!

  26. Good thing that Shannon is hot because he’s a total douche. I’m glad he was able to save his butthole. Was there some danger that Sash’s cock was going to magically fly in to it when Shannon wasn’t looking?

  27. Hey guys back off!!!

    It’s okay for him to be a total douche and homophobe on national television, because:


    What an idiot!

    Too bad he’s so cute, but I hope he isn’t straight, because he’ll just go out and make a bunch more idiot babies…

  28. Ummm…his nipples are NOT hot! They look like b1tch tits! LOL! And sorry but his lips look like he has a pussy on his face! (Thanks Kathy Griffin!)

  29. So…. Since he says something we don’t like, we are allowed to bash him? Your comments are more ugly than his, to be honest. Hypocritical, at best.

  30. It’s unfortunate this guy will be known as the homophobe from Louisiana. We have pride festivals in every major city in this state; we have one of the toughest state-level sexual orientation inclusive hate-crime laws in the nation. Louisiana may not be on the forefront of gay rights, but we (gay people) do have dignity here.

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