NOM’s ‘I’m Confused’ Ad Attempts To Sway New Hampshire Governor

Growing up is confusing. Period. It's not always a breeze for kids to learn their 123s and ABCs, and it's probably not easy to even grasp the concept of marriage–no matter who it's between. Would changing the definition of marriage to include same-sex couples really confuse children all that much? And if so, why is that a bad thing?

I remember being taught back in the day about Indian tribe, only to learn a few years later that "Native American" was the proper term. Did it cause my life to shatter? No.

I really hope New Hampshire's voters aren't naive enough to fall for the National Organization for Marriage's latest campaign, in which children talk about their confusion over same-sex marriage. It's disgusting that they're exploiting these kids for their cause!

In the ad, one child asks, "If my Dad married a man, who would be my Mom?" It's really not that complicated. Why don't these kids just talk to children who actually have gay parents? Or maybe they could just watch an episode of Sesame Street and learn from Ernie & Bert. A family should not be defined by having a mother and a father!

– Dewitt

9 thoughts on “NOM’s ‘I’m Confused’ Ad Attempts To Sway New Hampshire Governor

  1. Honestly, this is the dirtiest type of campaigning. Using children (who probably don’t even know what they’re talking about) to convince people that same sex marriage is wrong is… wrong.
    And to make another point, we all grew up thinking Pluto was a planet. Things change.

  2. This is one of the most terrible things I have ever seen! To use children in a battle over same-sex marriage is COMPLETELY rediculous!!!!!! I mean, honestly, they probably have no idea what is even going on in the first place, so how can you put them in a commercial about it?
    It’s because of absolutely ignorant people like the creators of this commercial why so much prejudice against others still exists in the world today.

  3. It’s great that these people are their own worst enemies. I mean, everytime that they put out an ad, it’s something so ridiculous that you would have to be a complete moron not to cringe, no matter what your opinions on the issue.

  4. As a marketing professional I can state without hesitation that voices of children are among the most impactful. I’m sorry that it is manipulative, but this is a war. The LGBT community needs to fight back with the same firepower. Children of LGBT families are among the most articulate spokespeople who exist and would be honored to help keep their families together (and actually DO know what they are saying as opposed to the NOM kids reading flash cards). We should be allowing these kids to make the direct appeal and leave the stepford kids in the dust. Fight fire with fire, I say.

  5. That was so lame…. I remember when I was about 6 or 7 I asked my mom if two men could marry.. and she said No, its illegal… and i was more confused as to why?? Who the fuck cares? Really???

  6. Most gays have no idea what they’re talking about; the difference is that gays aren’t willing to learn and unless you agree, you’re one of “them.” Kids haven’t yet had the opportunity, nor has the need arisen just yet, for them to learn.
    Marriage = One man and One woman.

  7. That is utterly the most disgusting and low-rate thing that I have ever seen in my life.
    None of the “questions” posed by the children is difficult to answer. But the ad was targeted to generate a knee-jerk reaction among homophobes, and so will be successful in that regard. I do expect (and hope) that most reasonable people viewing an ad like this would have the same horrified reaction that I did.
    One day we will see this ad in a museum dedicated to the civil rights struggle for gays and lesbians, much as we see reminders of the Jim Crow days in African-American museums. I can only hope that those responsible for creating the ad will one day regret what they have done.
    It’s bad enough to use children to sell laundry detergent or boxed macaroni; using them to sell hate is deplorable.

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