California Supreme Court Upholds Prop. 8

Proposition 8 Protest

The California Supreme Court has ruled to uphold Proposition 8, the ban on gay-marriage, as the law of the State. While this means marriage will continue to be defined as between one man and one woman in the state, the court also kept the 18,000 marriages that took place before the ban legal.

This was pretty much expected, but still disappointing. With demonstrations set for the entire nation, let's see how the crowds react to the news, I have the feeling it's not going to be pretty.

Here's a PDF link to the opinion, and information on demonstrations around the country.

– Andy

12 thoughts on “California Supreme Court Upholds Prop. 8

  1. By whatever means necessary! Quit paying taxes for schools, and anything that mostly benefits hetero people and dump those judges, easy enuf!

  2. “Not the worst thing in the world”?
    Tell that to the surviving partner of a same-sex couple who loses his home, his right to inheritance and his right to make medical decisions for his partner.
    Tell that to the millions of gay and lesbian people who looked with such hope to California, and now have had their hearts crushed by the court-endorsed bigotry of religious fundamentalists.
    Same-sex marriage WILL win the day. This is a setback, and I hope that there is an awful backlash in California in response to this travesty. NO ONE should ever have the right to vote away the basic human and civil rights of others.
    Burn, California, burn.

  3. The state that is home to United States gay porn industry, and collects state taxes from gay industry supports Prop 8? Its time to move out man…

  4. The problem with gay marriage is that it’s sold as GAY MARRIAGE.
    If it were sold as a human rights legislation which separated church from state, this would all go over much easier.
    The issue then becomes GENDER EQUALITY.
    The question becomes …
    “Since the state ONLY deals with legal arrangements that deal with TRUST (not holy unions that deal with LOVE), then why can’t a person choose the gender of the person they trust the most? Don’t men tend to trust men and women tend to trust women?”
    That’s a MUCH easier argument! How may married guys LOVE their wives … but TRUST their best bud to pull the plug or handle estate matters?
    This quickly becomes a matter of human rights & constitutionality instead of sexuality & love.

  5. So what? Get married if you are in LOVE…The State should have nothing to with marriage!

  6. Gay marriage is just more money for lawyers…57% plus of all straight marriages end in divorce, so with gay marriage comes gay divorce! Its seem like alot of people are looking to make money off the backs of gays once again!

  7. So what is left for homos in cali?? fight? move-out? I guess an effective protests should come from business community. Maybe corporate supporters threaten to leave cali?
    I agree with Brandon. Adult industy should lead the way out of Cali. Manhunt should do a survey of gay industry outside of cali and I will be happy to buy droduct from them

  8. It’s a game of chess. You have to think 3 moves ahead… Prop 8 people are only capable of checkers… and as we all know the QUEEN is the most powerful piece on the board when we’re talking chess.
    Before you go and burn those judges on a Pire… Ponder this.
    How can 18K people be given the right to be married in the same breath that it is stated that their marriage is banned in that state?
    That is a paradox. (a HUGE legal one at that)
    The same judges that had their decision overturned by a bunch of religious idiots pouring in from Utah (yet still claiming their non-tax status)… may have just handed us our rights back in a package wrapped in a legal bow.
    Could those 18K people with “separate but equal but banned” status now make a class action lawsuit against the state of California?
    Is that what a group of educated Judges that do in fact support (and did grant) gay marriage to a state give that to us?
    Did they possibly out-wit the lunatics and beat them at their own game?
    Just a thought.

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