What State Will Be Next to Approve Gay Marriage?

Gay Wedding
With Iowa's same-sex marriage ruling seemingly coming out of nowhere and that ol' mess in California, keeping up with our fight towards marriage equality can be quite frustrating. We have 46 states to go and it's no walk in the park to maintain an up-to-date knowledge of each state's progress. Hell, even the most politically active people aren't necessarily up to speed.
So without further ado, I present to you the latest of the states inching closer to equality…
Maine: Yesterday, three-thousand people attended a public hearing by the Maine Senate Judiciary Committee. For 14 hours, individuals on both side of the issue debated LD 1020, the bill which would reverse the state's ban on gay marriage. The committee will meet again next Tuesday, and it's extremely important to make your voice heard!
New York: So you've heard that Governor David Paterson re-introducing a same-sex marriage bill, right? Well, Paterson has handed the bill over to Malcolm Smith. The Senate Majority Leader has stated that he won't put the bill up for a vote until he's sure he has "32, if not 34, votes." In other news, a poll by the Siena College Research Institute has shown that 53 percent of New Yorkers support redefining marriage to include same-sex couples.
New Jersey: A poll has found that 49 percent of New Jersey voters support gay marriage, with 43 percent in opposition. It's highly likely that NJ lawmakers will consider a bill before the year's end.
New Hampshire: A bill was narrowly passed by the New Hampshire House of Representatives and a hearing was held by the NH Senate. It's still unclear how the Senate will eventually vote, and NH Governor Jim Lynch has refused to confirm or deny that he would veto the bill if it passed.
Feel free to comment with the progress of other states not included, particularly your own. Which state do you think will become the fifth to perform gay marriages?
– Dewitt

11 thoughts on “What State Will Be Next to Approve Gay Marriage?

  1. California’s Supreme Court still needs to rule on Prob 8. . .it could still be overturned. . .

  2. ok at the risk of sounding lame and dumb.
    what is all this bs about getting married?
    the divorce rate is at 60%.
    Men are as loyal as their dicks.
    and the US isn’t for it.
    the average gay relationship is 2yrs, why go through the bullshit
    Lesbians are loyal their relationships last on average 8yrs but come on people
    we are fighting a bull shit fight of no substance.
    here is the soulition
    1)be comitted and manogamus.
    2) decide that this is the one and only for the rest of your life and not till his 8pk turns into a keg or his hot pecks turn into tits.
    3) get a good estate and inhereitance lawyer.
    4) set up an estate plan naming your loe as the sole beneificerary
    5) set up a D.N.R contingency
    6) make a good will which can’t be contested ( they do exist)
    7) have joint executiveship over each other
    8) make 4 copies for you, for him, for your attny, for your best and closest firend.
    9) have a nice dinner with friends
    10) go to Key west for the honeymoon
    and put this “I want to get married bullshit to bed”
    from a lawyer’s point of view

  3. Bravo for doing this post! Many of us in long term relationships (myself 7 years) are fighting so hard for marriage equality.
    Sadly some in our OWN community could care less about gay marriage…but once they fall in love things will suddenly change.

  4. I bet that same sex marriage will fall through in the end. I love USA, but the religious influence on the government is too strong.
    Until the day we stop ending political speeches with “God Bless America”, or have “In God We Trust” on our bank notes, we will never have the same freedom that Europeans have.
    Lets face it America, just like alternative energy and cars, we in USA are backward when in comes to politics and same sex marriage, as compared to our European counterparts.

  5. Connecticut’s governor is to sign a bill today that will make marriages possible in that state. And, the issue isnt about marriage for the 60% that abuse the institution, but for the rest of us that deserve equal rights under the Constitution. Here in Indiana, our House of Representatives continually deny the passage of a discrimination amendment.

  6. It’s not about getting married. It’s about equallity! It’s about not being treated as second class citizens. What’s “bullshit” is you telling couples who have spent their lives together fighting against the hatred of the world, that they should just sit beack quietly and not fight to have their comitment recognized by others. Whether or not you want or believe in marriage, should not impact others right to it. I dont want to practice religion, but I support everyone elses right to do so. ONE of the success factors in marriage has proven to be the support of others. Maybe if gays commitments were recognized by the world at large our average relationships might last longer than 2 years.

  7. I may not want to get married today…but neither do most 21 year old MALES…however I fight for gay marriage for the girls. Every girl dreams of being a bride, i mean weddings are all about the bride, and it should be. No girl she not get the chance to be a bride, just because of who she falls in love with. So that is why i am for gay marriage. I mean, maybe when i am 30, i will want it. But honestly i don’t believe in any kind of marriage. However, everyone should still get the same chance.

  8. Iowa was not “out of nowhere” to those of us who actually pay attention…Vermont was probably quicker and more surprising overall.
    bw, a lot of boys i know dream of being a bride too.

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