Today’s Marriage Equality Round-Up

Same-sex marriage
All of us may not be ready to run off to the wedding chapel, but we still can't ignore such blatant inequality. Here is today's marriage equality round-up, detailing our venture to redefine marriage as more than just something between a "man and woman".
New Hampshire: The Senate Judiciary Committee of New Hampshire has voted 3-2 to kill the state's proposed gay marriage bill. Republican Bob Letourneau emphasized that civil unions were adequate enough. Letourneau is quoted saying, "Marriage is something between a man and a woman and has been for time immemorial." The committee also shot down a bill that would add the term "gender identify or expression" to state anti-discrimination and hate crimes laws with a 5-0 vote.
Oregon: Proving Letourneau entirely wrong that civil unions and domestic partnerships are "adequate", a man in Oregon was asked to leave a hospital room while important decisions were being made about his partner's health. The issue was not resolved until lawyers were thrown into the mix.
New York: Gay marriage legislation has officially been introduced, though slightly amended. The Senate bill is sponsored by Senator Thomas Duane with 18 Democratic co-sponsors. It will require 32 votes to pass. The Assembly bill has 53 co-sponsors and is sponsored by Assemblyman Daniel O'Donnell (yes, Rosie's brother).
Iowa: After the ruling goes into effect on Monday, some Iowa magistrates may opt out of performing same-sex marriages. It appears that they have every right to do so legally. However, the president of the Iowa Magistrate Association, Jeffrey Lipman, doubts "that any couples, either gay or straight, will find it difficult to locate someone who is willing to perform a civil marriage."
Once again, feel free to post any news we've forgotten within the comments section.
– Dewitt

2 thoughts on “Today’s Marriage Equality Round-Up

  1. since these people in either the state or federal legislature (Congress) keep continually voting to deny us our equal right of marriage under the constition of the united states, then those same peoples names should be marked down for reference and then be voted out of their phoney do nothing jobs when their time is up and vote in a candidate who WILL give us our equal rights.

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