This Minnesota Hate Group Will Bribe You To Denounce Marriage Equality… Um, Isn’t This Illegal?

Look at these sweet old ladies! Why do they have such giant grins on their face? No, it’s not because they just finished lady-fapping to a clip of Jessie Colter getting his bubble butt drilled. It’s because they fucking hate you! And they want to take away your right to get married! My apologies. We should rephrase that—they want to protect “traditional marriage”.

In fact, the organization they’re posing for has gone so far as to bribe people against marriage equality. Here’s an excerpt from their Facebook page: Minnesota For Marriage Announces Drive For Five! Help us grow our campaign by getting five people you know to pledge their support for marriage and protect it as between one man and one woman in November of 2012 – and be eligible to win a $100 Visa Card.”

Now, in the words of the great poet Jay-Z, “I ain’t pass the bar, but I know a little bit”. Doesn’t entering folks into a sweepstakes for signatures seem, well, kind of illegal? Next thing you know, Herman Cain will be giving out free pizzas if you vote for him…

– Dewitt

360 thoughts on “This Minnesota Hate Group Will Bribe You To Denounce Marriage Equality… Um, Isn’t This Illegal?

  1. I really don’t get why conservatives need everyone else to get in line with their opinions. Why do two women in Minnesota feel like two men getting married is going to negatively affect their lives? I really don’t understand this.

  2. it is so damned frustrating that people can’t just live their own lives.  i was married to my wife for 3 decades  – we had 3  wonderful children  – I  tried to be the perfect straight man.  but i  knew  from day one who and what I was  –  finally it got to the point that i was going to commit suicide and with the help of my doctor, my fellow workers, and  my friends I finally “came out”.  I  lost a lot  including the love of my  children  but I gained respect for myself to  be honest with myself and others.  I   live with a man now and that is my  business and no one elses.  I  have no plans to get married at the present but if I  should decide to it will be  my  business and  no one elses and  as long as two people love each other and choose to share their  lives together – then love  is  much stronger than the hatred these “Christian ladies” are selling.  (VERY DIFFICULT USING THE WORD CHRISTIAN IN THAT SENTENCE!!)

  3. I think you hit the nail on the head. Man made organized religion is a huge problem. In my view organized religion is a socially acceptible cult. Brain washing if you will. Just for a bit of clairity you can be a Christian and not be part of organized religion. I could go on about how I have an Aunt who believes she will never see me again after she dies simply because I ws raised in the Episcapol (spelling sorry) Church and not Roman Catholic. But I think everyone gets my point. It is sad that Christianity breeds so much hate in this world. What makes things worse s the different Christian followings hate one an other…. Jesus was one man one word one message of love and tolerence and once again the power hungry control freaks bastardize the message to fit their own personal agendas

  4. exactly what I was trying to say.  I certainly believe in God and try to live my life as I should and treat others the way I want them to treat me.  I have  had a couple of bouts with sickness which came close to taking my life but I am still here and as the doctors told me  –  it took more than medicine to keep me alive.  It is my  firm belief that I  had intervention of a higher power to keep me here.  And although I  don’t regularly go to church I know that God believes in me (even though I am gay) as much as I believe in him as  my   highest power.  Thank you  for  what you said.

  5. This is simply disgusting. Thanks God, I live elsewhere and do not have to see retarded people like these.

  6. It sucks that people like this are everywhere you go…they have to realize what year they live in and that people are gonna get married no matter who they are. Just think of it this way…they are old and will be dead soon.

  7. A $100 visa card, wtf? Now, if they were giving aways free ipads, I’d might participate???

  8. anyone on facebook go and report this page as bullying for sexual orientation and let get them out ! 8 friends of mine have done o allready

  9. Australia’s Prime Minister has stated that she belives only in Traditional Msrriage. A man and a woman. She is herself shacked up in The Lodge with her ex-hairdresser b/f . Now THERE’s your threat to marriage!

  10. I live in MN and it is sad that there is this kind of group located here. My view on marriage is this: I would never tell my friends/family who they are allowed to marry, so what gives me or anyone else the right to tell complete strangers who they can marry?

  11. Kim Kardasian made 17 million dollars off her wedding–and promptly divorced 72 days later!

    And they’re worried about gays ruining the tradition & sanctity of marriage??

  12. I got 99 problems… And these bitches are one. While you’re ignoring common decency, and taking huge steps backwards in human rights, maybe they should see if people will support their right to have black slaves. Vote yes, and thy’ll send one over to clean your house once a week. I don’t understand why more people don’t equate the gay rights fight with every other human rights fight in history. These people make me sick.

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