Rick Warren Rewrites History on Larry King Live

The controversial Pastor Rick Warren made an appearance on Larry King Live last night, and denied being "anti-gay or anti-gay marriage activist," though he goes on to tell Larry he did tell his churchgoers to vote "yes" on Proposition 8.

Well I'm calling his bullshit, and you can too by watching the video below where Warren clearly endorses Prop. 8, and strongly so. He can at least face up to his own positions and not expect us to simply believe what he says on television. It's on tape!

He also claims his comparison of gay marriage to incest and pedophilia was taken out of context. Here's the transcript from the interview where that comparison was made:

RICK WARREN: But the issue to me is, I'm not opposed to that as much as I'm opposed to the redefinition of a 5,000-year definition of marriage. I'm opposed to having a brother and sister be together and call that marriage. I'm opposed to an older guy marrying a child and calling that a marriage. I'm opposed to one guy having multiple wives and calling that marriage.

Q: Do you think, though, that they are equivalent to having gays getting married?


I'm surprised his nose didn't literally grow in front of our eyes last night!

– Andy

Watch the video where Pastor Warren clearly endorses Prop. 8, after the JUMP:

19 thoughts on “Rick Warren Rewrites History on Larry King Live

  1. quit attacking Christians or i will cancel my membership. all this site attempts to do is go after Christians and their every belief. go find some muslim literature and leaders…. let’s get a discussion. all you ever do is post sh*t about Christians. Rick Warren was against gay marriage as were the majority of black americans. would you attack them? F*K NO. bull sh*t

  2. James,
    Did you or did you not watch the two videos? The point here was that this “religious” man is saying one thing and then in a later interview denying it. He has no more right to tell gays that they shouldn’t marry than any of us have to tell him how to worship God. Although I will say, HIS God is certainly not the God that I learned about and worship today. God is supposed to love everyone- and I don’t care how many religions you call upon, every one of them is basically worshiping the same God, with a different name. Open your eyes and see what harm men like Mr. Warren can do to not just the gay population of this country, but to all of it. Religion has no place in lawmaking, as our founding fathers were wise enough to know.

  3. james, how is he attacking Christians? he is callin the guy out on LYING on tv like the slime he is. “Christians” like Warren often attack gays, i’m glad they’re talking about it

  4. 2 things:
    1. Yes James is missing the point. The gay community does need to be aware of anti-gay people who double talk. These aren’t bums on street corners with soap boxes. These are multi-millionaires with extreme emotional control over the voting populous and financial control over politicians.
    It’s relevant.
    If you don’t wanna hear about it, stay off ManHuntDaily.com. It’s a side note of Manhunt.net, not the main attraction.
    2. I think both sides are arguing over the wrong set of semantics. I think that marriage is a Church defined and conferred arrangement. The State has no business in Church affairs.
    If 2 people want to enter into a legal arrangement giving rights one to another over health, estate, financial and other legal matters, then the State can arrange that between any 2 competent consenting adults. The Church has no business in State affairs.
    Let the Church of your choice confer marriage. Let the State confer the authorization of legal rights.

  5. If we’re to go by a 5000 year old Biblical dfinition of marriage, then why dont we let men have four wives, like they did in the Bible? God wants men to have four wives, so what’s the big deal with polygamy? And if we see fit to question God’s wisdom on that aspect of marriage law, why do we have to listen to these bigots rant about anything else?

  6. Larry needs to do his homework and not let such blatant lies goes unchallenged. By the way, when will we stop allowing infertile couples to wed? They cannot procreate; therefore, by “Reverend” Warren’s own definition, it should not be allowed. How about if we also make divorces mandatory once a wife goes through menopause and can no longer procreate? Politics and religion do not mix, and the founders of this country knew it. Remember that only 2 of the 10 commandments are actual laws!

  7. I can’t embrace something that wont embrace me. I find it humorous that all of these religious leaders speak out of both sides of their mouths – whether Christian or otherwise. That being said, I would be happy to stop attacking Christians if they would stop attacking me – and those who say Christians aren’t attacking the gay community need to remember that those Christians’ silence while these bigots continue to spread their vitriol are allowing those “select few” to speak for them’. Thankfully, we do know that 10,000 Roman lions do agree… Christians just taste better.

  8. Where is a gay sniper when you need him, or in this case a lesbian. lol You have to admire irrational thought. Next thing you know, they’ll be trying to burn us as witches

  9. Rick Warren is a fucking hypocrite. And James? Please quit your membership. For your ignorant information, 70% of blacks weren’t demonstrating on the streets for Prop 8 or raising millions of dollars for Prop 8. On the other hand, Rick Fucking Liar Warren had people picketing gay marriage on street corners. He had church members actively canvass Southern California urging “true believers” to vote for Prop 8.
    Get a fucking clue, James. (And yes, by the way, this hypocrisy – and the ridiculously idiotic comments of clueless shits like James – pisses me off to no end.)

  10. I’m so sick and tired of people turning this stuff around and calling it intolerance of and attacking of Christians. Quite a clever way to try to invoke sympathy. But it’s an absolute fallacy. And I agree that James should drop his membership because I wouldn’t want to sleep with him anyway if he feels the way he does. And if I did sleep with him, and found out that’s how he feels, I’d scrub myself with steel wool from head to toe!
    You know, I had sex with a guy I met in Palm Springs recently. He told me that he has sex with men occasionally and then “repents” afterwards. (He’s a Seventh Day Adventist). We had a long talk. After our sexual encounter, he tells me he voted for Prop 8! Yuck! I wanted to puke on him! There he is at a Gay resort in Palm Springs, hooking up with guys, and then he goes and votes against equality for Gays. What a freakin’ hypocrite! He should be a Republican politician! Anyway, that’s what these religious fanatics are all about. Talking out of both sides of their mouths.

  11. Of course, this is why Rick Warren went on Larry King Live. Larry King is a pathetic and feeble disgrace to journalism. He’s really just a figurehead for giving people with clout a national forum to voice their agendas. It was the same thing with Heather Mills and whipped Paul McCartney and her ridiculous tirade against the seal hunt.
    Anyone with an once of journalistic integrity or ability would have torn Warren to shreds on his contradictions (which are unbelievably blatant here). BULL FREAKING SH!! Rick Warren you do not have any gay friends, PLEASE! Please see Jon Stewart (my f-ing hero) and his not one but TWO videos dismantling gay marriage opponents – Mike Huckabee and Bill Bennett.
    No kidding Mark – I was dating a Mormon last year and finally had to call the whole thing off because of all the hypocrisy. I would have tossed a guy out on his ass if he told me he voted for Prop 8.

  12. Your vitriol towards Christians only makes you hotheads look like..well…ignorant hotheads?! When will you guys accept the fact that your hate simply defeats the message WE are promoting? Sure, disagree with the Christians, but if you’re hiding behind that fight fire with fire mentality, or in this case, hate with hate….then, it gets no one any where….except more foaming at the mouth. Dialogue can be productive if you can get past the childish expletives to get your point across. Now go play nice.

  13. Mark: We’re all in agreement here that you sleep around. We get it.
    But calling someone out for being hypocritical AFTER having sex with him, and AFTER asking how he voted on Prop 8…well, that’s a bit messed up.
    You may want to interview your hookups first to spare yourself the disappointment, and embarrassment.

  14. Lots of stuff to think about here…
    You don’t need a PhD to see that Rick Warren is plainly an idiot. Or a duck. Cuz if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is a duck. Warren displays all the signs of being an idiot. Quack quack.
    Take for instance his assertion that marriage has been a tradition for 5,000 years. OMG. Not. The least the man could do is open a history book instead of making up history. It would help disguise the fact that he’s a boob.
    The problem with outspoken anti-gay religious leaders in the US (the majority of whom, James, are Christian in their faith) is that they have learned that they can stick you with a knife, twist it, pull it out, and hand it over to you, and tell you that they didn’t do it, and people will believe them. That’s because people hear what they want to hear and believe what they want to believe. And that is exactly why these dinosaur religions survive to this day. One mention of the name God and all thought processes go out of the head. That’s the only way anyone can accept the notion of a dichotomous deity who is the embodiment of perfection, unconditional love, and grace, yet who could simultaneously eradicate all living creatures on the planet because “He” is displeased with mankind.
    If one’s faith is founded on such a fundamental flaw in logic, then it stands to reason that his eyes will be blind to other such miscarriages of logic.
    Now, if James has such a problem with people defending themselves against the tyranny of Christian leaders perhaps he should change his belief system to one that embraces him and his fellow homos as equal human beings. After all, it’s easy to change one’s faith, and impossible to truly change one’s sexuality. And a gay person defending a religion such as Christianity is pretty much akin to a Jew defending the Nazi party.
    If history has shown us one thing in regards to this nation’s religious leaders, it is that eventually they will trip themselves up and good. Remember Ted Haggard? Jim Bakker? Jimmy Swaggart?
    I’m not angry at James for making such a misinformed statement on this blog. But I do feel sorry for him, the poor misguided, shackled soul. Never having been a slave to any particular religion, I can only imagine the hell it must be for a person who is having to battle between the being that he is and what the church and society tell him he should be. Maybe someday he’ll come to the awareness that (as Tammy Faye once said) God don’t make no junk. He is as God made him, and nobody has the right to tell him that his being gay is wrong. For to say that is to say that God is wrong.
    Keep your faith in God, James. But for God’s sake, dump the religion.

  15. Wow some excellent points are being made here. Makes me proud to be a homo. Being most sincere, Temo

  16. UniversalPotentate, you just made the point that I tried to make when we were talking about the same sex marriage issue here in Massachusetts. Instead of being so determined that gays needed to be included in “marriage” rights, GLAD should simply have outlined the legal rights conferred when any two people, homo- or heterosexual, decide to formalize their union. Then, if they want the religious ceremony, get it done in a church. My own feeling was, if this happened, then any churches that would not marry anyone who could be legally joined as far as the state was concerned, would not have their ceremonies be legally binding. Plain and simple. Of course, then we have the Mormon church, big supporter of Prop 8, spreading lies to folks in CA that in MA, churches who had refused to marry same-sex couples had lost their non-profit status, and also that MA has a program firmly in place in its educational system that teaches children about gay sex and how to be a successful homosexual (instead of just a practicing one?). This is the church whose founders way back thought it was perfectly fine for a man to have multiple wives (despite the laws about bigamy in this country) but no way is it OK for two people of the same sex to have just ONE spouse. Ah, religion and politics- strange bedfellows indeed, and should never be discussed over dinner or at bars.

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