First there was RENT on Broadway, and then there was RENT
the movie. Now there’s a film of the live, final farewell staging of RENT, and
it’s now playing at select theaters nationwide. When the final staging of RENT
occurred earlier this month at Nederlander Theatre, Radical Media was there
from every angle in the house to record the farewell performance.
One the original and most popular RENT stars, Anthony Rapp who played Mark
Cohen, has had a chance to reflect on RENT’s longevity. When asked about the
biggest difference between RENT of today and RENT at its debut 10 years ago,
Rapp said, “"At the stage door (this summer) there were 200+ people; they
had to have barricades. Generally it was 15 people (outside the stage door) at
the beginning and they were dedicated fans."
Whether you’re a longtime fan of RENT, or have been living under a rock
alongside me and have never seen the musical or the movie, this unique
recording is something to check out.
– Wilbur
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