Marriage Equality in Sweden!

Swedish Flag
With New Hampshire and Vermont still uncertain in the US, it's nice to see that progress is being made for same-sex marriages on an international level. After a six hour debate, the Swedish parliament has approved a gender-neutral marriage law by a "broad majority".
Sweden is apparently the seventh country with full marriage equality, also including Spain, South Africa, Canada, Netherlands, Norway and Belgium. Spännande, eh?
– Dewitt

4 thoughts on “Marriage Equality in Sweden!

  1. The UK has civil unions not marriages.
    It’s a bit of a technicality over there as the Civil Union is for anyone who wishes to have their relationship recognized by the state and is unable or unwilling to get married in a church.
    It seems the UK has the separation of church and state the US so desperately strived for.

  2. Gay Marriage was actually introduced already in 1994 in Sweden, but under the name of Partnership. It had the same legal content as a straight marriage. But from this year the laws have merged and the Marrie Act is now gender neutral.

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