I'm putting my foot down once and for all. Last night's episode of Glee made me wonder whether the show is worthy of the mainstream praise it's been receiving. From the song choices to the writing, it was one of the worst episodes yet. I mean, there were a few redeeming factors, among them that they finally let Jayma Mays do her own song. But this is all starting to get a little too formulaic and frankly a tad boring.
That doesn't mean that I won't be sticking through until the end of the season. Word on the street is that Joss Whedon will be directing an episode. After seeing what he did with "Once More With Feeling" (the Buffy musical) and Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, it's quite possible that he'll turn out the best episode yet.
Other good news? Madonna will be allowing the producing to use any song from her catalogue. Provided that they don't choose something lame like "4 Minutes", this can also lead to more awesomeness. Some bad news? Season one of the show will be released on two separate DVDs, which will still be pretty damn expensive individually. Licensing all that music doesn't come cheap, after all.
– Dewitt
I am thinking the exact opposite of you Dewitt and thought last night’s episode was one of the best ones. I don’t expect them to do mash-ups every single week. Maybe that’s why you’re so disappointed. They are basically putting on a new musical every week, which I’m sure is very hard to do. I would cut them some slack and enjoyign the entertainmen that it is. Did you expect that this show was going to win Emmys?
I really must agree. It’s not that it’s NOT a good show, but it hasn’t been delivering the calibur of awesomeness that the pilot episode seemed to promise. The plotlines have become predictable, the characters (7 episodes in) remain one dimensional, and the lip-synching is really distracting.
There’s a few things I stick around for (Mercedez, Kurt, and Sylvester). And the occasional awesome reimaginging of an obscure song (Bust your windows) but I now opt to watch Modern family and simply DVR glee, to watch at my leisure, it’s no longer appointment television for me.
I stopped watching after the Kurt Coming Out episode…I know it’s supposed to be a fantasy show but that was just retarded and contrived…yes, because of the use of “Single Ladies” but I just thought it was way too much, Saved By The Bell even, when they let Kurt join the team because he could kick while dancing to Single Ladies.
Dewitt you are too kind. Glee was an abomination. Now granted episodes 5, 6, &7 were simply amazing and it had to come to an end. But really? The softer side of Sue? For a man? The Jew-mance? Not even really Slurpies. Really?
i love glee. even though, last night’s episode wasn’t the best one, it is still one of the best and “funnest” shows on t.v.
Ok… While the series itself is VERY CORNY I also think that it is still an awesome show. Honestly, I don’t think that the “Kurt Coming Out Episode” would have been liked by everyone no matter what they did. I mean they could have done it in some dramatic way people would have said it was too over dramatic. I honestly think that it was very simple and to the point. It’s not like everyone didn’t already know and it was a shocker… He just put it out there. I think instead of complaining you should just enjoy it for what it is, a fun hour with laughs and some singing haha…
I agree totally…I love the music and the dancing, but if that was gone, I guarantee that I would not be watching it. The storyline is almost childish, I feel like I’m watching an after school special. If they want to survive another season they’re going to have to bring in some better writers.
I think people expect way too much for a show that was written simply around the idea of injecting musical numbers to a secondary storyline…Really, what better way then to add some hipness and some hollywood production values than through high school glee clubs. It’s refreshing to see a show that doesn’t revolve around solving a murder case, or D-listers aching for another 15 minutes in a reality show.
I keep hearing about this show but never seen it I don’t even know which channel or network / cable it come’s on
This show is pretty lame. It’s like a cartoon, and the song choices have not been compelling.