Don’t Bet On Playing For Italy’s National Soccer Team

Dolce & Gabana, Italian Soccer

Although the Italian national soccer team has posed for some hot and slightly homoerotic ads, their coach is actually kind of a homophobe. Marcello Lippi is coming under fire for saying he wouldn't allow a gay player on his team.

USA Today reports his remarks, '"We're not talking about a cultural question, but of a mechanism of interests for whom a relation of this type would enter into conflict,' Lippi told the KlausCondicio program. 'Even if from a cultural perspective people would approve and be able to understand and accept such a situation, it would nevertheless be exploited so much that it would end up negatively.'"

So he didn't really trash gay people, but was too concerned with the negative attention it would draw? Isn't soccer about your skills and ability as a player anyway? I really think a gay Italian needs to join this team.

What makes this even more offensive is that millions of gay men are allowed to ogle at the team in their sexy Dolce & Gabbana ads, but we can't actually join them!

– Andy

For the Dolce & Gabbana ads, follow the JUMP:

Dolce & Gabana, Italian Soccer
Dolce & Gabana, Italian Soccer
Dolce & Gabana, Italian Soccer
Dolce & Gabana, Italian Soccer

8 thoughts on “Don’t Bet On Playing For Italy’s National Soccer Team

  1. I read about this earlier on either the or, but I got a different take on the story. It seems that what the coach said was that he wouldn’t want a gay couple on his team, not a gay man, and from that perspective I can appreciate his point. Most businesses have rules that you don’t date a co-worker, and that rule is sensible and is there for a very good reason.

  2. I think is a wrong desition, further yet, he’s right on something. When people in soccer have highlights, ev’n the greatest player goes down in his playing: Beckham, Ronaldo, Casillas, Do Santos, the list goes on an on, they dont concentrate in the game and affects the rest of the team… I think that first, the media should take so many importance to football players sexuality, yet the experience tells things arent like that, shamefully…

  3. I hate to disappoint Lippi, but there are and have been gay Italian soccer players. They’re just real good at keeping it under wraps. 🙂

  4. Isn’t Lippi talking about gay soccer players being too busy looking at each other? Rather than focussing on the game?
    If so, then Lippi’s a douche.
    While sex might be the first thing on guys’ (gay or otherwise) minds; guys focussed enough to reach the elite level obviously are more concerned with the ‘soccer’ ball, rather than those dangling around in the locker rooms…

  5. I just wish these D&G ads showed some ass, but sadly a lot of these players don’t have an ass…I’d only want them on OUR team if they had an ASS. 🙂

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