Barack Obama On Gay Marriage

NBC's Brian Williams recently asked President Barack Obama, "Do gay and lesbian couples who wish to marry in this country have a friend in the White House?" Check out Obama's response:

"I think gays and lesbians have a friend in the White House, because I've consistently committed myself to civil unions, making sure that they have the ability to visit each other in hospitals, that they are able to access benefits, that they have a whole host of legal rights that they currently do not have. I don't think that it makes sense for the federal government to get in the business of determining what marriage is. That isn't traditionally the federal government's role."

There's that word again–tradition. Yet I still haven't heard him say why it doesn't make sense for the federal government to break that "tradition" and get in the business of equality. Yes, I know that Obama has a lot on his plate right now, but at least his support could do us wonders.

If he's going to be our friend, I'd prefer that he goes all out in that effort. Otherwise people are going to keep suspecting that he's our frenemy. I still have hope, but as a true friend of mine once said, "Yo espero, pero no creo". Translation: I hope, but I don't believe. Make me believe, Mr. President.

– Dewitt

11 thoughts on “Barack Obama On Gay Marriage

  1. He only said “I’ve consistently committed myself to civil unions,” there’s no single sentence there that says he supports gay marriage. He’s clearly refusing to address marriage.
    He acknowledges that the federal government shouldn’t determine what marriage but that can be interpreted to mean that he, the federal government, will not say whether or not a marriage is just a man and a woman.

  2. if the govt shouldn’t be addressing marriage, then why does DOMA exist? repeal it then, like you said you would!

  3. The president on more than one occasion has said he supports civil unions…Now I know that there are thousands of gays who see that having the right to marry is the most important thing in the world…Well, it’s not…Even if I did have the right to marry in my state I probably wouldn’t do it because it’s not that important to me…I don’t care either way…(We want the right to marry, we want to serve openly in the military and we want it yesterday) This issue and others like it will take time…Stop trying to shove everything down America’s throat at once…trust me on this, I’m African American.

  4. This is why during the primaries, every gay person I know didn’t vote for him. We didn’t trust him. I still don’t. We will be over looked, again. The reason I would like the right to marry, is from an economic standpoint. People in civil unions are still taxed as individual on the federal level. If federally it would be recognized and taxed as a marriage, it would be equal.
    I am sorry, I am not going to sit here and wait for my rights to slowly be given to me. Enough.

  5. Protest this President Obama : “I don’t think that it makes sense for the federal government to get in the business of determining what marriage is. That isn’t traditionally the federal government’s role.”
    If you don”t have the GUTS to take on the big man, lay off the Mormons and Miss California. I don’t see any marches planned on the White House – and has Perez Hilton called him a dick?

  6. It’s only a matter of time before the federal gov’t will have to address this, on a federal level not on a state by state level because of DOMA. It’s unconstitutional to deny us access to all the marital laws that protect heterosexual couples. If they want to include every single law, including the SSI benefits, etc then fine, call it whatever. The word ”marriage” just encompasses all those laws with one word. If they have to write a federally recognized civil union and take all that time and money to protect their little word, I don’t care. I’d rather have my rights first then we can discuss the seperate but equal issue. But first things first: first get the protections of marriage by whatever means necessary- then worry about what it’s called. The future generation, when asked in polls is 85% pro 10% don’t care, about gay marriage- so it’s only a matter of time (when you ask a 13 year old about the issue, they look at you like ”why are you even asking this, of course”. So hang in there, it’s comin.

  7. James, that’s the problem….Oh, I want to get married for economic reasons….WTF…I thought people were suppose to marry for love…Oh, if we could just get married I’ll get benefits and be set for life…That’s exactly the problem with a lot of hetero marriages…and as fas as you and your friends not voting for him, Hillary wouldn’t have gotten it done any faster and McCain/Palin would have turned back the clock….DOMA will be addressed as soon as all of America deems it necessary…Oh and by the way, you don’t have a choice but to sit and wait until you are given the right to marry, unless you go to a state that recognizes it or leave the country.

  8. As usual you must read everyone carefully selected word he picks. He is the master of spin and uses words that makes one think he is in favor of your view. Will the real president please stand up ones and give us your real feelings and beliefs, rather than trying to appease everyone.

  9. “Stop trying to shove everything down America’s throat at once…trust me on this, I’m African American. ”
    I find this hilarious. So the civil rights movement sat back and waited huh? Being African American doesn’t make you an authority bud, especially when the pioneers of that specific rights movement did the exact opposite of what you’re saying we should do now.
    Sorry, I’m gonna go with the route that actually works: Fight for your rights. Sitting on your ass doesn’t solve a damn thing.

  10. The Federal Government already is in the marriage business. What else would he call the numerous federal rights, benefits, costs, etc. that are only available to married couples. What about all those agencies that inevitably ask a person if they’re married. The IRS, INS, SSA, it goes on!

  11. I didn’t say sit on your ass and do nothing…Look at what happened in California…It was voted down by the people of that state and held up by that states supreme court…All of the fighting and protesting didn’t change the outcome of what Californians voted for. Prop 8 or no prop 8…maybe it’s time to try a different approach…Fighting doesn’t solve anything.

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