Would You Hit That?: Neil Patrick Harris

Neil Patrick Harris, would you hit that, hot or not, How I Met Your Mother, Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, Twitter, Doogie Howser, David Burtka, Harold & Kumar, unicorn

Actor Neil Patrick Harris just joined Twitter, and he's picked up nearly fifty-thousand followers in less than twenty-four hours. But anyone who ever went to high school knows that popularity doesn't automatically make you sexy (I'm looking at you, Jessica R). How many of you would actually do the deed with NPH?

I know I shouldn't be putting in my two cents, but I'd have his pants down faster than you can say Doogie Howser, M.D. Aside from the purely superficial reasons, his sense of humor makes him even sexier. From How I Met Your Mother to Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog, I just can't get enough of him. And I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to get enough of him in bed! No disrespect to David Burtka, but I totally want to flip-fuck with your man. Just sayin'.

– Dewitt

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12 thoughts on “Would You Hit That?: Neil Patrick Harris

  1. He’s still a tad on the skinny, smooth twink side for my tastes, and I’ve never been big on the blondes. I certainly wouldn’t kick him out of bed, but I don’t think we’ll be starring in How I Met Your Father.

  2. Love have him inside me all night! I understand that he is hung 9+ xtra thick- lucky Dacid Burtka gets to ride him every night!

  3. I have absolutely ZERO physical attraction, but I think he’s charming, funny, intelligent, and a TERRIFIC role model for young gay men (not to mention being extremely brave as there is apparently a huge stigma against gay people in hollywood). And for that, I would most certainly sleep with him, given the chance. There are far many more ways to be attractive than simple physical attraction, and for me, those are the ones that are far more satisfying and sexy!

  4. Oh, I’d “hit that” and I’d probably end up marrying him too! At least in my dreams.
    Neil, are you reading this?

  5. i have watched him grow up with me we are the same age and i have been in love with him from as far back as i can remember. he has that prepy look with just a little cockyness that really make me hard

  6. Not only would I hit that . . . but I plan on it . . . we have some mutual friends between us and I’m gonna get a date when the moment is right.

  7. In. A. Heartbeat.
    Loved him in a platonic way. Then he not only came out, but was in Dr. Horrible from Joss Whedon (Who I plainly worship) and…well to say there’s a crush there would be a massive understatement.

  8. The one celebrity Ive actually given a second thought about.
    He’s good-looking, but the thing that really makes him really attractive is his energy. He seems like a firecracker and a genuinely good soul. I love the fact that he has in own hobbies (like magic, how nerdy and adorable) and how much he gets into things (I love a man with passion). And honestly, who can resist a man that can make you laugh? The only thing that could ruin it is if he had an ego, but I’ll give this scrumptious piece the benefit of the doubt.

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