Who Would You Rather?: Men Vs. Wild

The burly, capable guys taunt dangerous wildlife and brave the ferocious elements to show us couch potatoes what’s going on in nature are a LOONNGGG way from that old guy on Wild Kingdom. Man Vs. Wild’s Bear Grylls and Animal Planet host Dave Salmoni are both pretty doable. Which would would you rather maul?

p.s. Salmoni automatically gets credit for both surviving a lion attack AND surviving dating bitter crone Chelsea Handler. Chilling.

– J. Harvey

To vote, Follow the JUMP:

Bear Grylls

Dave Salmoni

20 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: Men Vs. Wild

  1. but i love Bear too…plus you know he’d be down for water sports…but Dave Salmoni is just fucking hot and adorable so he got my actual vote.

  2. Bear is sexy and all, but Dave Salmoni is way hotter, assuming he didn’t catch anything from that filthy Handler girl.

  3. Salmoni definitely is hotter, but Bear scored some points for that enema demo he did on his show. Guess I’ll go with Dave.

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