US Soldiers Use The Power of Ke$ha For Good

military men, dancing, Ke$ha, Blah Blah Blah, 3OH!3, Don't Ask Don't Tell, DADT, gays in the military, armed services, soldiers, US, Iraq, watch, video, funny, sexy, shirtless, half naked

We're always down for half-naked military men dancing to pop tunes. Most recently, a few soldiers in Afghanistan unleashed their own rendition of Lady Gaga's "Telephone", and now they've got some competition because their friends in Iraq just churned out their own video for Ke$ha's "Blah Blah Blah".

But don't run away just because you heard the name Ke$ha. The clip is actually fucking fantastic, notably for incorporating a "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" theme. Some have said the soldiers are "spoofing" the policy, but they've made it explicitly clear in the video's description that they're not taking a stance on this matter.

The video's creator writes, "No one in the video is gay… that we know of, nor am I. Sorry guys. Not that there is anything wrong with that! (political correctness) I am NOT saying it IS ok to be gay in the military. I am not saying it's NOT OK."

Either way, we have to give them credit for at least drawing attention to the issue. And did we mention that every single one of them is totally fucking hot? 

– Dewitt

To watch the video clip, follow the JUMP:

13 thoughts on “US Soldiers Use The Power of Ke$ha For Good

  1. sorry the guys in the lady gaga vid were hotter and had better moves than these ones.
    you should do a who would you rather and screen capture all these guys from the different vids.
    my favorites are still the larger, dude in the telephone vid

  2. I’m not sure if I should be offended. Seems like they are saying that’s what will happen if you allow gays in the military. On the other hand, they sure got alot of the “gay stuff” accurate for a bunch of straight guys.

  3. They are hardly drawing attention to an issue with this stereotypical mess we’ve seen from actual gay vids.

  4. looks as if they already have either their fair share of ‘boys’ – or a bunch of wannabes

  5. That was silly, fun but silly just the same…Seems like there are way to many videos like these coming from our military in Iraq and Afghanistan…Kinda makes me wonder if they need to bring more of them home sooner…What is our tax money going to.

  6. Not to piss on anyones parade but it seems more like a video of straight men mocking the way gay men would act in a Ke$ha video. To say that this video is saying ANYTHING about gays in the military is really stretching it. And if you think it is saying anything about DADT…then I would say the message would be if you let gays be in the military then they will spend their time dancing around, sneeking peeks in the showers and hooking up.

  7. lol the st8s do the sneeking and peeks in showers and hook up you never wanted to find out what the moans and groans when you had a mixed company male female. when the moans where not the same sex. the only thing embarassing was when you had to intrupt them because there was a message from there wife or husband back home.

  8. These guys have way too much fuckin time on their hands
    but a bit funny admit it

  9. I was really let down by this video. I have seen the other ones, but this one simply reinforces stereotypes; it does nothing positive for the gay community at all. This should just be a message to everyone that homophobia is alive in well in the “good ole USA”

  10. The most overused word in the English language. “Homophobe”… Just because you don’t agree with something does not mean you are afraid of it! Geez. And this coming from a gay dude. But seriously! We don’t like to be categorized! Why should we do it?!?!?

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