If yesterday’s Woof Alert didn’t have enough meat on his bones, then you’re going to love today’s contestant in our Top or Bottom series! His name is Joe, and he’s one sexy-ass bear. We mean that with extreme emphasis on “sexy ass”, because this guy’s got some thick, hairy cheeks that you’ll be dying to fuck! But would he ever let you stick it in? Take a guess!
We mean that quite literally, as it’s up to you to vote whether Joe prefers giving or receiving. You came close with last week’s contestant Charles. Nearly forty percent of our readers predicted that he’s a versatile top, but it turns out that he’s a strict top. In fact, he’s never even tried taking it… “I still haven’t had my cherry popped,” he told us. “I’m kind of waiting for the right guy, I guess.”
If you’re an exhibitionist type who’s interested in participating in the next round of Top or Bottom, send me an e-mail with a few pictures, your name or alias, the role you play in the bedroom and a brief note giving us permission to use your pics. We’d prefer that you show your face, but it’s not required to participate in the series. Nudity is both welcome and encouraged, and anonymity is perfectly acceptable. So what are you waiting for? Send us your pics, and show us what you’re working with!
– Dewitt
To view more pics and cast your vote, follow the JUMP:
I’ll say he’s 100% vers
Verse bottom!
I believe Joe to be verse top as he is showing us his cute bottom and his beautiful cock.
PS. Where do they get his bottom is that hairy?
Ugh, where’s my ‘who cares’ button? 😛
In the interim, I’m going to hit the ‘big old nelly bottom’ button.
Who cares?
Yeah I don’t care either. Why do people have to emphasize or care about if someone’s a top/bottom/versatile for anal sex?
Don’t get it twisted I enjoy anal sex but when I find someone attractive or hot I don’t immediately wonder if they are a top/bottom or versatile for anal sex.
There’s tons you can do with a man for sex that doesn’t involve any of that.
Why are the pics 4 years old?
i just threw up
Who cares? Yuk.
I’m strongly in the “Who Cares?” camp.
I want my puke back.
My iPhone got so heavy with that picture oink the screen I dropped and broke it.
Can we PLEASE tone down the yuck and puke shit??? This guy had the balls to send his pictures in and you didn’t, so shut the fuck up if you don’t like it.
And you don’t think for a minute those pics were put out there to conjure up the negative comments?
I agree with Heath – let’s see some of you guys leaving negative comments and let us judge you. What do you get out of leaving these cruel comments anyway? Being so hung up on the way a guy looks is a problem with a lot of the gay community. Be nice next time. That said I would say he’s a vers bottom.
everyone that just made fun of this guy just revoked their right to talk about cyber/real bullies that make fun of “fags”
Holy shit LOL what a hog. That dude needs to lay off the pizza and donuts for about a year. SALAD IS YOUR FRIEND. Damn I can hear the farts and see the buttcrack cheese from here. He’s so fat, his underwear doesn’t say BVD, it says BOULEVARD. He’s so fat, a taxicab hit him and they never found it. Oh yeah, as far as my vote goes, everyone knows that all fat guys are total 100% bottoms.
OMG!!!! WTF is that?
Wow… I’m not surprised that there are nasty shallows a-holes on here but if your going to be THAT hateful, shut the f- up…
I agree that if you have something nasty to say, put YOUR picture up there!
While this guy is not my type, kudos to him for putting it all out there! I’d say Bottom/Vers.
Margrave (or Blauknabe), whatever it is you go by these days…. YOU’RE one of the most shallow guys on MANHUNT so I’d shut up if I were you.
Yea easy to say stuff about me anonymously isn’t it. If you have something to say, say it to my face yea creep.
The comments here are just so nasty, is there really nothing else you have to do today but spew vile nastiness? Ok so you are not attracted to him big deal, I would guess that not many of us are attracted to women but we don’t get insulting about it. Would you people act the same if the guy had K.S.lesions all over him? That is not attractive either. This is why I stopped going to gay bars etc… I am so over all the nasty queens that have nothing but catty comments and grand delusions about themselves.
I AM sayin’ it to yur face!
Kudos to him for putting up a picture of himself! Go you! i’d say he’s a vers bottom.
and to all the negative comments, you’re all pathetic. this is what makes me ashamed to be gay.
Dude is seriously hot, I’m going to have to cross my fingers and hope he’s vers because I’d want to play with him a lot of different ways! Congrats on being a sexy man!
HOT?? Where do you see HOT HERE???? GAG.
People are delusional, if you think its just gay people that are into appearance – go talk to a female for 10 minutes. Yea I forgot straight guys are so easy on woman’s appearances and bodies. It’s a fact of life, if your ugly or fat – you will get called out on it if you make it a public view, sorry.
Not that anyone really needs to be leaving insulting comments, but the fact that people are screaming about “judging appearances” in a column where you’re supposed to decide a guy’s sexual role by looking at pictures of him is hilarious. The whole damn point is judging his appearance. God knows if there was some lean, muscular guy on here there’d be people saying “oh ew I am so tired of these gym twinks, give me a real man” which is hardly less insulting than calling somebody fat.
Sabatage has a point… Seems like some of you guys can’t be pleased by anyone! You don’t have a nice word to say about the “Ken dolls” or the type posted here. Catty is too nice of a word to use for you all.
I know he’ll read all of these posts… I hope he is strong enough to put up with your nasty remarks. Words hurt, no matter how old you are.
Was the first line in this post implying that the woof alert yesterday was overweight or did i read that wrong b/c I thought he was hot. As for all the negative remarks about this guy the universe will get you, just wait.
I liked him! Hope hes a vers/bottom… Id have lots of fun!
So after reading the comments on here I have one thing to say, I dont really care! First off I never thought they would use my pics. As far as the neg comments, fine, think what ya want. Think its the first time I herd it? LOL Just glad you had to take time out of your day to say somethin. I play softball and football and am in grat shape, i just got more of it, and i would have it no other way. I’m happy with the way I look, thus why I was kewl sending in the pics. Bottom line, to each there own. I never have trouble finding a playmate. And to the nice comments, thanks 🙂
thanks josh for negating ANY valid criticism of those who taunt, demean, and bully others–well done!
P.S. the irony sabotage points out is not lost upon me, or many others I suspect, but ‘judging’ someone as being a top/bottom is hardly the equivalent of insulting them outright–just my 2 cents.
We want complain about the injustices to gay people yet we have no problem BASHING each other. Before posting something negative, look in the mirror and ask yourself are there any flaws? If you are perfect wait 5,10 20 yrs and see if that beauty lasts.
Top or bottom I am sure he would have a “WHALE ” of a good time !!! BTW WHO CARES !!!
Dewitt a view with caution would have been nice !!!
for a biggun, he’s got a really nice cock&balls
I like the part where he says he’s “in good shape”. LOL for what, being the Goodyear blimp’s stand-in?
While I agree he is not in good shape, you guys are just plain rude. The universe won’t get you, but it all comes back around to bite you in the butt one day. You’ll get your own. My only wish is that I could be there to see it happen.
Funny how you guys judge if im “in shape” or not. Granted im not a freaking gym rat but since I play softball, volleyball, hocky, football, can lift half a car engine and cut down trees, i’m in fine shape just not what your shape may be. Love how guys think your only fit if your 100 lbs or build like a brick house. Look around dumb dumb this is the real world. And BTW thanks for the comments i have messages on my other sites coming out of my ears and guess what there not nasty ones like these!!
Just because you say you do these things does not make you in shape. And just because you may be the norm (according to the real world comment), that doesn’t make you in shape either. One of the top health problems in the U.S. is Obesity.
I wasn’t intending to be mean by saying that you aren’t in shape the first time, and I don’t this time either. I’ve been on the receiving end of the bullying on here and it’s not fun. Just look back a couple of months on this very contest and you will see I was blasted. So I can sort of understand.
But I hate to see you think that you are in shape when you really aren’t. I’d rather be the wake up call for you than a heart attack…. Just saying..
Wow…I am ashamed to even say that I am gay. The people who think that looks matter and look is all that matter in life are pretty lame. Joe happens to be an amazing person. He has a great personality and is awesome to hang out with. You should be ashamed of what you are saying. Just because you guys think you are hot shit but you are not because you are so shallow. Grow up and realize there are more to people then just looks. With that I know for a fact that Joe is a Vers top.
Keller, I appreciate you standing up for your friend! I really do! He should be proud to have you as a friend.
That said, this is a contest, and you are not supposed to tell what he is. People are supposed to guess……
Damn some of yall are packing a WHOLE lotta hate in. There’s no need to be rude.
…Seriously, what happened to you guys? did someone smack you with “evil stick”? or are yall simply not getting some? ….Dang! learn some respect for others.
Those who are blasting him for his looks, remember, looks fade with time, and those hot tight asses, long hard smooth dicks, and sexy wash board abs will one day fade with the help of Father time. It’s a cycle none of us can escape. There is an old saying of what goes around, comes around. Chances are when you looks have faded that someone will be just a hateful about your looks as you are about his.
HAHAHA Not to be mean coz I know people are attracted to all different shapes and sizes but the first thing I thought when I saw his pic was “Ew!” – To each their own tho!! 🙂
Cruelty under the guise of honesty is still cruelty.
i feel your pain, joe…
took alot of balls to be out here
for the queens and bitches to scrutinize.The thing is , he KNOWS he’s fat and knew the type of comments that were forthcoming, I doubt he got his fellings hurt. I bet he needs some reassureing that someone out here might want him. go for it dude, seems some like a little extra.