Something strange happens in Unnamed Porn City when the sun sets! Dudes get horny! (That’s a weird city cuz’, in my city , dudes are horny all the time!) John Anders stalks Will Braun and his cum-pervious glasses until they make it happen. When the […]
Tag: glasses
The Amazing Spider-Porn: Will Braun And Tobias
Who doesn’t love a porn parody? Especially when it’s a cock in spandex! The new Spider-Man flick comes out this weekend and MEN, per usual, is right on time with their parody. Will Braun plays the webslinger (my dream is still to jizz on his […]
Will Braun Lost His Glasses, Got Fucked By My Secret Boyfriend Ashton McKay
I realize that Manhunt Daily has just about reached the Ashton McKay saturation point. Hand to the heavens, this will be the last Ashton McKay post for awhile. (Also, my OTHER secret boyfriend Colby Jansen is getting jealous.) This promo stood out to me because […]
Manhunt Man of the Week: Mtndewme, A Tattooed Nerd Who Likes Big Muscle Dudes
This week’s Man of The Week is Mtndewme, a 28-year old on the South Shore of Boston. I was drawn to the screen name first, and got more interested from there. This young man describes himself as nerdy, so I asked him about that, and […]
He’s Maximum Everything.
I do not speak French but my cock would function like a damn Rosetta Stone with gorgeous French-Canadian maxboy_. The “max” could stand for so many things. “Maximum” cock. “Maximum” ass. “Maximum” fuck action. Judging by his lusty appearance, it’s probably the trifecta. Baise-moi fort, […]
Here’s Your Newest Manhunt Crush
He’s so hot! What is it about a stylish guy in suspenders that starts the precum a’bubblin’ on the tip of my cock? This is thinkInk. He has a wonderfully written Manhunt profile in which he requests that all of his potential suitors “say what […]
File This Under “Beards I Want Tickling My Balls”
He describes himself as a “musician with a great sense of humour”. He’s tall, versatile and looking to hook up with someone who can host. What’s he into? Pretty much anything, it seems! And if you’re short, balding and furry fellow near White Rock in […]
Quickie: Gerrad Bohl
Gay Body Blog refers to Gerrad Bohl as a “hunky hipster”. Jeesh, everyone with a scraggly beard and pseudo-Amish clothing is automatically a hipster. Let’s coffinize “hipster” for good. We’ll put it beside “bling”, “twerk”, “don’t go there” and “TMI”. And “meh”. UGH, “MEH” is […]
Likeyourbeard: 1/2 of A Sexy Manhunt Couple
Couples seeking a third is the hottest new trend on Manhunt! Likeyourbeard is into it. Half of this sexually enterprising couple is pictured here. His partner prefers to remain anonymous, being a member of the Senate and all. One of the nicer parts about being […]
Straight Guys Are Gay: Drunk Naked Guy Gets Spanked With His OWN BELT
This beefy dude passed out on the lower bunk with no pants on (sounds like an invitation to me), and his buddies decided to strap his big white ass. My favorite part of this vid is when the spanked dude starts to sensuously massage his […]