Peter LaBarbera Supports Uganda Death Penalty


Well, you could have seen this coming from a mile away. Peter LaBarbera, president of the quite inaccurately named Americans For Truth, has posted an item that asks, "what is it that qualifies the United States of America to lecture the Ugandans about homosexuality?" Oh, I don't know Mr. LaBarbera… maybe it has something to do with a proposed death penalty for those who are gay.

I can't even copy and paste the rest of what he wrote because it's so over-the-top ridiculous. You'll have to click through and read it (if you can even bother paying anymore attention to this man).

– Dewitt 

629 thoughts on “Peter LaBarbera Supports Uganda Death Penalty

  1. I can’t even begin to imagine what runs through the minds of those who want us sentenced to DEATH for being homosexual.
    My heart goes out to fellow gays who live in third world countries/Uganda where laws like this are even considered.

  2. I just threw up while reading the article. I’m really interest in knowing how many of his followers have actually read the Bible, and how many have read both the New Testament and the Old Testament. I find it kind of hard to interpret a text that you haven’t completely read through, but I guess not all of us took high school English.

  3. Funny how they don’t allow anyone to comment on their tinpot website. Funny how they say that homosexuality is a choice that can be reversed, but can’t provide a scrap of scientific evidence to back up that assertion. Of course, I’m not being fair. Neanderthals like that likely don’t possess the tech savvy to create a feedback section, and how on earth could anyone expect them to cite evidence that doesn’t exist. Silly me.

  4. You know eating Poptarts is a choice that can be reversed. Watching Fox News is a choice that can be reversed. Being HETEROSEXUAL is a choice that can be reversed but apparently being stupidly, bigoted and homophobic is NOT a choice that can be reversed. It must be genetic.

  5. a choice- oh yeah, I would choose being ostracized, called names, being beat up, or being put to death over just spending the rest of my life jerking off and not being able to express my true sexual desires- sure I would.

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