Paula Abdul Straight Up Quits American Idol

Paula Abdul

Guess who will continue to judge everyone's favorite glorified karaoke contest, most likely penning another universally hated finale song? Kara DioGuardi. This is old news, but it wasn't until yesterday that we received official news about Paula Abdul quitting American Idol. Rumors are running around about spastic colons and paycheck issues, but there are more important issues at hand–like, do you think the show will be better or worse without Paula?

– Dewitt

6 thoughts on “Paula Abdul Straight Up Quits American Idol

  1. u did not uplaod a pic of her with mc skat cat!!
    shih let’s just hope she gets to the unemployment office nice and early on monday morning b/c im not sure if she has many other prospects…
    maybe she cud judge america’s next best dance crew?

  2. I couldn’t care LESS! Let the show die. Let ALL the so called “reality” shows die.
    I don’t intend to sound snobbish, but how low-brow can network television stoop? It seems that the Hollywood execs have nearly lost all ability to come up with an original idea. Every one of them has to copy the next; if one show is a success, then ten more just like it are better?
    Let Paula and all her insecure, pathetic attempts at becoming the center of attention fade into the dusty archives, along with all the shows totally devoid of any redeeming value.
    “My Life on the D List” is about the only reality show with any thought behind it – that being a satire of all the others (and, as much as I love Kathy, I can only tolerate her show for so long). Even the FoodTV has stepped up and sold out! Once a station with a focus on education and creativity, they now devote 100% of their focus on “celebrity” and “reality,” (and I would bet large amounts of money that few, if any, of their so called “chefs” could survive in the real world of restaurant kitchens).
    Until they extricate their collective heads from rectal cavities in the network boardrooms I guess I am relegated to the History, Discovery, and National Geographic Channels, along with a very selective foray into BBC’s broadcasts. On the bright side, I am reading so much more these days!

  3. Somebody’s got issues…
    Anyways, I probably will watch it for a while, but without Paula it really won’t be the same.
    When they added Kara, it bothered me, and without Paula it’s just going to suck. She was the crazy glue that held everything together.

  4. I NEVER cared for Paula. She’s as irritating as fingernails running down a chalk board. She appears to be either mentally impaired or drugged out of her untalented arse. Just hearing her makes me want to crawl in a corner and assume the fetal position and suck on my thumb…..
    We’re all blessed that she’s out of the picture….OR IS SHE???? I’ll bet it’s some advertising ploy just to get her obnoxious self back on the show with more pay!!

  5. She had some style and was the core of the show and without her the show will never be the same. Maybe the new girl with pick up what she had left (sleeping with contenstants?).
    BTW the new girl sucks ass, she ruined the show

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