Michelle Obama Is Both Fierce And An Advocate

Michelle Obama- Fierce, Gays Love Her
Photographer Bill Wilson had an interesting exchange with First Lady Michelle Obama, in which she showed her support for repealing the Defense of Marriage Act. Blogger Michael Petrelis posted their dialogue. Michelle apparently agreed that we need to get rid of DOMA and promised that it will be repealed, though I'm a little confused how she can make such promises when her hubby's administration doesn't seem to be taking action!
– Dewitt
For the full conversation, follow the JUMP:

Bill Wilson: My husband and I have been together 23 years. We need to get rid of the Defense of Marriage Act. 

Michelle Obama: I agree. 

Bill Wilson: We need it done now. 

Michelle Obama: It will be. 

Bill Wilson: I really want to be able to support him. 

Michelle Obama: As well you should! 

Bill Wilson: We really do want him to succeed. 

Michelle Obama: I’ll tell him. 

(At this point she leaned over to give me a hug.) 

As she stepped away I said, “We were married by the Mayor last year.” 

Michelle Obama: Give your husband a hug from me.

8 thoughts on “Michelle Obama Is Both Fierce And An Advocate

  1. I think she handled herself well…If this was the photographer who took the pic above I don’t think he should have ambushed her like that. (“We need to get rid of the Defense of marriage act”, “we need to do it now”)It’s not like if it doesn’t happen yesterday, all of a sudden our lives would have no meaning…DOMA will be repealed when the time is right as will DADT. You angry gay marriage radicals need to chill out.

  2. it’s all just a matter of time now..we’ve waited this long, a few more years isn’t going to matter in grand scheme of things. Don’t alienate our fringe allies by being more arrogant than you have to be. We’ll get our rights, on federal levels, as soon as there are enough judges to support our rights. It makes no sense whatsoever how we have laws protecting us and yet laws denying us at the same time. As far as DADT, that’s the military and don’t fall under any jurisdiction but their own. That’ll change too..Chill out, keep up to date with things and pick battles, not everyone is our enemy

  3. I am all for repealing DOMA as well as DADT. However, with everything else that President Obama is facing, I don’t blame him for Gay Rights being a little lower on his list. Maybe my priorities are messed up, but I think the economy, and problems such as the threat of N. Korea come first. The gay community should just be a little more patient. None of this can be done overnight and President Obama does have more important things to do.

  4. It doesn’t matter how long we wait, if you want to use that logic there will always be issues that can be spun as ‘more important.’ I agree that there are other things that are requiring quite a bit of his attention, but a President should be an excellent multitasker, don’t tell me he can take care of all of the issues EXCEPT for ours.

  5. What Bill said.
    On top of that, DADT CAN be fixed overnight with an executive order. But there’s not a damn real thing coming out of this administration. Nothing happening isn’t the same as things being in the works but sluggish. The latter’s passable. The former is bull.
    Priorities are great, but to pretend the President can’t handle multiple things is moronic to say the least.

  6. “You people” telling us to “be patient and wait” are just as infuriating as straight people that say this.
    My partner and I both have AIDS. We would like to marry to protect our assets for the surviving spouse (and do say go to a lawyer). For example, our farm is in my partner’s name (when I was diagnosed I did some stupid stuff and screwed up my credit). If he goes b4 I do, I’ll be forced to sell the farm to cover the taxes and will be both broke AND homeless.
    So, before you spout the right-wing conservative “wait” meme again, think.

  7. David G. what exactly have you been doing to fix your credit problem. Both of you are still alive. And if you pass on before him. The farm will still be in his name…What the two of you need to do is try anf focus on building both your assets so that you won’t be broke and homeless if he passes on before you…Don’t sit and wait for the possibility of marriage in your state as your only option.

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