Gay McDonald’s Ad Gets Spoofed

By now, you’ve probably seen the much-hyped McDonald’s commercial from France. Perhaps you’ve even seen the clip of Bill O’Reilly, in which he basically compares gay men to terrorists. And since nothing on the internet can exist without receiving a parody treatment, prepare yourself to watch two spoofs of the “controversial” ad.

The first comes from actor Andrew Keenen-Bolger, who may or may not be the first person to coin the term “McTwink”. The second is known as the “Iranian version”, featuring Mahmoud Ahmadinejad‘s translation. The third? Well, it hasn’t happened yet, but don’t be surprised when it shows up on YouTube.

– Dewitt

To watch the clips, follow the JUMP:

And yet another parody…

Oh, and on a less funny note, here’s Bill O’Reilly’s reaction to the ad.

14 thoughts on “Gay McDonald’s Ad Gets Spoofed

  1. The ads are cute, but it is a huge leap to say Oreilly is comparing gays to al-qaeda.

  2. The creativity in those ads, i love it! haha i mean: “i was literally just thinking about you” haha, thats soo funny!

    Bill O’Reilly says the dumbest things… the ad is not just about homosexuality, it’s about a wider issue: accepting others.

    The storyline of the commercial was clear to me the first time i saw it, it’s not that difficult to follow if you close your mouth and pay attention to it…

    Jane Skinner you’re a woman who admits to eating McDonalds. I thought a conservative woman’s place was in the kitchen making dinner for her family every night? you’re obviously failing at life.

  3. I’m with Nex.
    I don’t really see why reinforcing sterotypes helps anything.
    It bothers me when these types of things are gayed up hugely.

  4. Hey Jock4u2do…it not a huge leap to say that oreily is a homophobic moron…and i disagree he is in fact comparing homosexuality to terrorists….and all those ignorant republicans eat that shit up…sick

  5. Bill O’Reily’s such an ass-wad. What’s the point of the ad tho? I must say, I don’t quite get it. I mean, yes, it’s all very nice that McDonalds serves gays ‘now’… but… I don’t remember ever having trouble getting McD’s…

    Is it some kind of allegory, or was there actually some literal issue with gay people not getting McDonaldsin France?… I just don’t understand.

    Love both parodies tho. The both make WAY more sense.

  6. more curious why I seen this on manhunt not uncensored tv (NBC/ABC/CBS/CTV/CBC/oh yes FOX), if this add ment anything, why isn’t it on one of them in North America.

    Cheers David :o)

  7. Honestly though McDonald’s isn’t interested in the Gay community nor any other unless it makes them money . where there is money there is power. McDonalds is the same as Walmart,KFC,ect….. , the important thing is that they are doing is cause WE are standing up to support are rite to be as everyone else is, equals on this planet.

    Cheers David , true believer in the greatest man to walk on this planet (Jesus Christ) made people believe in themselfs

  8. Bill O’Reilly appears gay to me.

    I’ll look forward to the day that they catch him red handed, & red faced in a McDonald’s restaurant toilet with his pants to his ankles with some burger flipping twinkys “Big Mac” rammed right up his hairy, dimpled old ass.

    I’m dripping with mayo – just at the thought.

  9. I think the AD should play in the US just to shut O’Reilly up … he should be taken off the air

  10. I agree, it does seem like a leap but it got us all here, didn’t it? It’s great that McD’s is featuring a positive gay message in their ads. Kids watch that and young gay kids need to see that it is okay to be gay. With gayness being the #1 reason for teen suicide in this country we need all the positive messages we can get. Still, O’Rielly is a douche…and me thinks he doth protest too loudly.

  11. OK, so comedy has always been about making fun of stereotypes, and thats exactly what the parodies did. I laughed at them, and didn’t think they went to far, or by any means ruined the original.

    Now with the o’Reilly clip, that was a bit disturbing. I guess I can understand him completely missing the point of the ad, but the comment about “what’s next, an ad for terrorists” is actually (sadly) not far off from one of the über-conservative viewpoints of gay marriage, in that if we pass gay marriage, what’s next? Legal bestiality? Incest? etc

    The point is that he’s not directly comparing gays to terrorists, but rather applying the same “logic” (if you want to call it that) that is being applyed as reasoning for not passing gay marriage. This ‘logic’ is the entire “what’s next” way of thinking, in that if gay stuff (marriage, rights, etc) become ok, that that will somehow become a gateway for all ‘hell’ and ‘immorality’ (or anything else negative you can think of) to suddenly become “ok” or encouraged. It’s kinda disappointing, but that’s what it is.

    Also, as I saw it, the point of the ad wasn’t just to say that gays are welcome at mcDonalds (of course we are! no surprises there), but rather to show the rest of the liberal population, gay/straight/bi/asexual/etc alike, that they are a caring company, and provide a humane, and tolerant environment where you can eat.

    Essentially McDonalds jumped on the bandwagon of saying “it’s ok to be gay”, as that is an incredibly popular cultural meme right now. People who hear this message and agree to any extent immediately hold mcD’s in a much more positive light, perhaps positive enough to choose mcDonalds over another fast food chain.

    Certainly from an advertising perspective, this ad has been incredibly successful. I mean think about it: the ad already has 1.7 million views on youtube, as well as the countless other viewings on tv in france. As well almost everyone is talking about it. Every time someone thinks about the ad, they think about mcdonalds, which in essence is the point of advertising. People will more likely choose a place to eat that has been more recently stirred and brought up in their memory.

    Anyways, that’s my point of view on the whole thing. Overall I loved the original ad, thought the spoofs were cute, and think that oreilly is…well I’ll leave that to your imagination.

  12. I think it was a leap to say O’Reilly was comparing gay to terrorists. However, how ironic for people here to compare republicans to homophobs or ignorant. I am sure there are may democrats and indepents who are as well and/or ignorant.

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