Fuck, Marry, Block: Disgraced Politicians

“Fuck, Marry, Block” is nothing if not topical. Politicians can sometimes be a lascivious sort. Perhaps the urge to serve in a governmental capacity and be in the spotlight also manifests itself as an urge to put your penis or a pic of it where it doesn’t belong? Do they WANT to get caught? Maybe Anderson will do a show on it.

Today’s FMB is all about disgraced politicians. Anthony Weiner… well, you know what he did. Congressman Chris Lee resigned after he answered a woman’s Craigslist ad with a topless pic of himself and Gawker ran it. Former North Carolina senator and two-time presidential candidate John Edwards famously cheated on his cancer-stricken wife with a woman who later had his baby.

You have to fuck one of these politicos, marry one of them, and block one on Manhunt. Let us know what you decide in the comments section!

– J. Harvey

For pics of the men in question, Follow the JUMP:

Anthony Weiner

Chris Lee

John Edwards

24 thoughts on “Fuck, Marry, Block: Disgraced Politicians

  1. Block everyone of them…they are truly a disgrace to our country!!

  2. i’m only in it for the sex….so i will fuck the obvious answer.  mr weiner…kidding.  chris lee

  3. Block ’em all … except for the one who posed for Men’s Fitness recently. At least he’s up-front about it. 🙂

  4. Block John Edward…. Really????
    Mary Chris Lee
    Fuck Weiner…. I couldnt live with him and not crack a joke every five seconds

  5. I’d so fuck John Edwards, maybe marry Chris Lee (or shack up) and block Weiner, something just creepy about him. And yes, the all are disgraces to our country, but when it comes to sex, who really gives a shit?

  6. I realize that’s he not part of this post, but am I the only one that thinks Eliot Spitzer is oddly hot?

  7. Fuck– Edwards.  No way I’d marry the guy with his history, but there are far worse out there.
    Marry — Weiner.   IMHO, he’s hot, enough so that I wouldn’t mind him in my bed every night.
    Block — Lee.   He’s a Republican. 

  8. None of them.
    I’d like to hang out with Weiner though cuz though kitties are cute.

  9. Fuck: Lee…hot as hell, but a right wing wacko, so only good for an anonymous shag.
    Marry: Weiner…great sense of humor, smart, and a rockin’ bod…bring it on daily
    Block: Edwards…used to want to fuck, marry & elect, but his burgeoning sleaze factor has brought him way down

  10. don’t forget Bill Clinton and Monica !!!!!! he was damn Lucky L0L 
    I’m sure there is hundred out there just waiting to fuck Up!!!!! Only gays guys more like to tell the true about Sex  with all detail at once……

  11. Fuck Weiner cuz that is one impressive wiener. Block the other two. I don’t fuck republicans or douchebags.

  12. Fuck:  Weiner…He’s got a hot body and what looks like a damn impressive weiner, but there’s something a little creepy about him.  I’d want him in bed every once in a while, but wouldn’t want to have to be around him every day.
    Marry:  Lee…Right wing status notwithstanding, what a hot man.  He’s definitely got that suburban soccer dad look going for him, which is sexy as hell to me.  I’d have to have him in bed as often as possible.  In bed…the kitchen…the shower…all over the house.  Mmm….MMM!  He’d just have to keep his mouth shut when it comes to politics.
    Block:  Edwards…I agree with the poster who said he used to want to fuck & marry.  Finding out what a douchebag someone is really DOES make them less attractive.  It’s one thing to send a picture of your junk to a bunch of chicks or to be a right-wing nutjob.  But it takes a real special brand of scumbag to screw around on your wife when she’s dying of cancer.

  13. Fuck Edwards
    Marry (and FUCK till the kingdom come) Weiner
    Block the right wing creep

  14. Fuck John Edwards doggy style just to pull on that hair he spends so much money getting cut. Block Lee and maybe fuck Weiner, but none of them are marriage material.

  15. Block Edwards.
    Lee seems to have the best body, by far, so Fuck him.
    And… Weiner looks kinda cute but possibly very annoying. So the Marry or Block options seem equally possible with him.

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