Dr. Queerlove: Hemmy Surgery

Dr. Queerlove

Hi Dr. Queerlove,

Three years ago I had hemorrhoids surgery and I was in pain for about 3 months after surgery. Since the surgery I have not been able to bottom, because it is very painful. I've been in a relationship with a great guy for more than a year; I know he likes to top but has been impossible to have full penetration because of the pain. We tried some of the small anal plugs but still he can't get all the way inside me. What is your suggestion?

Please help me!

For Dr. Q's advice, follow the JUMP:

Hemmy. Honey, I cannot imagine how much it sucks for you and your man to not be able to get all up in what I'm sure is your delicious and desirable ass. Sadly, there is not much I can advise other than you absolutely must go see your doctor, because this is something that requires medical attention. If you have pain at anal penetration, I imagine you must also experience discomfort with certain bowel movements. This isn’t normal, and your doctor(s) should be helping you.

Each of us must develop a TMI relationship with our physicians. Hemmy, you need to march into your doctor’s office and explain that since your surgery, it has been incredibly painful and therefore impossible to have a healthy sex life, which seriously affects your quality of life. They need to do three things: Fix. It. Fix it!

Boys, if you haven't had a check up in a while, now is the time. Call up your general medical practitioner and tell them you want a clean bill of health. Even if it means turning and coughing. Even if it means bending over (don't act like you won't like it). 

There are some things that are beyond Dr. Q’s realm. That’s when you need to go to the real doctors.

Need advice on the best ways to munch and mount? Email the doctor at Queerlove@manhunt.net for your prescribed dose of reality.

DISCLAIMER: Dr. Queerlove is not a doctor, of any kind. Not even a
Ph.D. in Greek Mythology. So if you follow his advice and end up
bruised, impotent and alone, you can’t sue us… because we’re telling
you right here that you can’t.

One thought on “Dr. Queerlove: Hemmy Surgery

  1. After having said surgery, a stricture formed across the anus (and boy was that ever painful after every bowel movement when it ripped) and had that removed, then a pilonidal cyst removed (all of this within 6 months), I realized I had a pain in the ass job and was in a pain in the ass relationship. Dumped both and my ass eased up. I might suggest this person check out the emotional aspects of what is a pain in the ass in his life.

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