If Homosexuality Is So Unnatural Why Do Gay Penguins Make Such Great Parents?

Gay Penguins
Has anyone ever tried to argue with you that being gay is "unnatural"? If so, how can these people explain the two gay male penguins in Germany who quite naturally behaved like heterosexual parents when given an egg to hatch? 
You may remember these guys from back in 2005 when four females were brought in to unsuccessfully "cure" them. Congratulations to these happy parents on their new baby!
– Dewitt

2 thoughts on “If Homosexuality Is So Unnatural Why Do Gay Penguins Make Such Great Parents?

  1. aww that’s so cute.. penguins are my favorite animals, especially Gentoos, which choose a mate early in their life and have something like a 99% rate of sticking with them for life
    they way that they do it, when they find the mate they want to propose to, is that the penguin taking charge will find the prettiest pebble on the beach that he/she can find, and lay it at the other penguin’s foot.. and if the other penguin accepts it, they’ll be together for life.. if not, then the penguin that presented the pebble will stay alone for life

  2. Helloooo…using penguins in an argument will most likely get you a few laughs and a guffaw. I refuse to support my being a good gay parent with cute and cuddly animals.

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