Dear Mehcad Brooks, Why Aren’t You In My Butt?

Um, are we sure that GQ isn’t a full-blown gay magazine? Between their photo shoot with Taylor Lautner and this sexy editorial spread of former True Blood star Mehcad Brooks, it seems like the men’s magazine is blatantly trying to appeal to the man-on-man crowd. Of course, this wouldn’t be the first time.

Sure, this photo shoot may include a female model. But who in their right mind would look at her when Mehcad’s bulging muscles are on display? Maybe a straight dude. And that’s a big “maybe”, considering that half of the heterosexual men who saw these images converted to our team. Just sayin’.

– Dewitt

To check out more photos from the shoot, follow the JUMP:

22 thoughts on “Dear Mehcad Brooks, Why Aren’t You In My Butt?

  1. in answer to your “whos hottest on tb” post a week or so ago, this is your answer…although these pics dont show real well exactly how hot this adonis really is….

  2. Oh please. Thats all we need srait boy and girl pics and GQ mag taking over this site. tusk tusk. lets have somethin deacent than this rubbish like helping guys out who are struggling to find his mr rite.

  3. I am not a paying member and I can see why ever since you added on you get straighter and straighter if I wanted that i would say so I can see why I am not a paid member here why waste your money we are gay let keep it that way

  4. Wow you guys are some bitchy queens for real! Go to another site if you want “bois” running around in rainbow or superman undies. They simply show hot guys no matter their sexual orientation, if you think this site is becoming “straighter and straighter” (fyi that sounds STUPID) then click elsewhere or quit your bitchin.

  5. I first noticed Mehcad when he was on Desperate Housewives…he has an amazing, dazzling smile that cannot be ignored…even with his clothes ON…then on Tru Blood he was generally running around wearing minimal clothing, which was always an extra bonis to an already great show…too bad his character is dead…perhaps they can find a way to get him to play another role…he is sex on a stick if there ever was such a thing! Woof, woof!

  6. He is sooo handsome! I love True Blood and drooled every time I saw him. Too bad his character got killed 🙁

    BTW, who cares what orientation a hot guy is? He’s still eyecandy!

  7. Wow. I would do such naughty things to that man….or let him do naughty things to me. I’m good either way. VERY sexy.

  8. dude is really hot and he’s packing some serious meat. they might have thought to do some solo shots of him without the model though.

    i like the retro aviator glasses and the retro swimming trunks

  9. Ummm, whatever. Why are we spending time drooling over some hetero we can’t have? Or at the very least, a poser hetero. Move on! Gay brothers, let’s worship someone a little more worthy of our time.

  10. Tim – “bitchy queens for real” sounds REALLY STUPID. But you, desperate to be accepted by your straight friends and thrilled to have that novel social edge (i.e. token) wouldn’t really get that. Hate yourself somewhere else.

  11. My dearest Dylan, I couldn’t be a better/happier Tim if I tried. I don’t need the acceptance of others nor do I need a site to make me feel accepted by only featuring gays in all of it’s post. Nice try on the put down, but you’re going to have to come harder than that. (no pun intended)

  12. Very hot! Though I’m a bigger fan of his Calvin Kelin X commercials and his random appearances on True Blood. The man has an amazing body, but his smile and sex appeal is just amazing! I don’t give a good god damn how hetero the guy is- he’s gay by the time I’m done looking at his pictures. lmao! 😛

  13. So, who is he? However, interesting to see what some pics can do to some people here….

  14. Jens, Mehcas Brooks is a model and actor. He appeared in the movie Glory Road and has been on some pretty mainstream TV shows, such as True Blood, Deperate Housewives, and The Game. His profile says “former model”, though he recently made a few adds for Calvin Klein X. 🙂

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