We didn’t plan on using another funny porn face for this week’s Caption This contest. However, we quickly changed our minds upon catching this shot of Dean Monroe bent over for Alexsander Freitas. Is he experiencing an intense moment of pleasure? Or is he unable to handle the monstrous uncut cock probing his prostate? It’s impossible to say.
If you’re up for the challenge, leave a comment with your wittiest (or sexiest) caption for this image. We’ll sift through the entries for the best of the bunch and post the winner in next week’s Caption This post. Think you have what it takes? Prove it, you cocky motherfucker!
For those of you who aren’t coming up with anything good, we encourage you to click through, check out the current submissions and show some support by “liking” another reader’s caption. Who knows? It might influence our final decision.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Butch Dixon
To check out last week’s winning caption, follow the JUMP:
Kudos to Kenny for keeping it simple. Though we appreciated this snarky remark.
sorry mate, I think I got something in my eye!
This wasn’t how you explained the prostate exam to me over the phone.
Wait my cock… Oh fuck.. fuck it…
why has Tom Chase changed his name….Dean Monroe looks like his twin brother..! Hot!
I said just the tip to see how it feels.
E… F…. P…..T…..O…..Z…… How’m I doin’ Doc?
” a–ka-ka-ka, WELL BLOWS ME DOWN!”
his impersonation of Popeye…. lol
Alexsander found One-Eyed Willie’s treasure.
I said ‘stick it in my hole,’ not make a new one!
OH SHIT! I’m switching to Allstate!
Grunts… I’m going to feel that in the morning!
In this tender moment, Dean Monroe quietly reflects on his career.
Ahhhhhhhhhh…..popped it!
Eh, What’s up doc!?!
Uhhhhh, I think you took a wrong turn.
That’s all for Weekend Update! Thank you & have a pleasant tomorrow.
Oh damn… its 2 o’clock…. Ninja poop time….
To the left to the left. All yo’ cock is curved way to far to the left.
Thats NOT the area I want Tatooed!
step back, think I just put my cock in an electrical socket
Now this one is without the condom….
Hey back up on it a little so i ca n get the head in. It won’t hurt one bit.
Not so hard you are about to poke my eye out.
Just a little to the right, PLEASE !
Dam didn’t mean to shoot that far
That’s cold …go faster.
sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t…
i actually think your fuckin my brains out of my eye!
Did that tattoo say “Objects in mirror are larger than they appear?”
Uh oh! Here comes lunch
Thats for stealing connan obrians hair style!
Dude. Are you sure this is the last place you saw your keys? Cuz, I don’t see them…
Damn! What’s gotten into me?
Damn! What has gotten into me lately?
In the voice of Popeye:
“Shiver me timbers!”
Oh, it tickles…
Ough! Fire in the hole!
Right eye out!
That’s the one place I didn’t lose my contact lense!
not a suggestion — just an observation — but shit, Dean Monroe is lookin’ rough.
Is that Ricky Martin behind me?
Are you shitting me?
“Are you shitting me?”
“Huh? They said I was getting a Brazilian!”
Ohhhh Thats gonna leak in the morning.
Where will you be when your laxative kicks in?
Watch out for my gerbil
A little to the left…
Warning! Good sex may sometimes lead to strokes, which can lead to facial paralysis and often f*@cked up facial expressions.
That really doesn’t feel like a tattoo gun you’re using back there.
Damn, shoulda bought some lube..
Is he being fucked by a wall of graffiti?
I actually thought the same thing but didn’t want to mention it! lol
Now let me see …..I’m guessing Alexsander.. am I right!
what’s an enema?
*he* thinks I’m moaning because of him… Thanks Fleshlight! *wink*
Oh Man! His dick is longer than it appears…
It burns!
More LUBE please