British Sex Ed To Include Gay Relationships


The British government has recently announced that all schools must offer sexual education courses. Lessons will begin at age five, with primary school students learning about their bodies, puberty, marriages, divorces and civil partnerships. They'll move on from there to learn about contraception, gay and lesbian relationships, the emotional complications of having sex and HIV.

The catch? Faith schools must teach lessons about abortion and tolerance of gay individuals, but they may present both topics within the context of their religion. Sounds reasonable to me, but what do you think of this updated policy?

– Dewitt

7 thoughts on “British Sex Ed To Include Gay Relationships

  1. It’s best that kids learn about sex safely and educationally, rather than thinking that a girl can’t get pregnant if she douches afterward with a shaken bottle of pop.

  2. I think that the British government should be applauded for their efforts and that our government should adopt a similar program (not that it would ever happen).

  3. Lessons begin at age five?!What ever happened to recess, storytelling time and just being a kid? Sheesh.

  4. Ummmm, in an ideal world….kids aren’t molested, period.
    While I agree education is helpful, are we sending the right message? Are children being led to believe that sex is bad at a very young age because of these predators and the demographic they prey on? And how much can we expect in the retention rate of a 5 year-old who is not yet able to discern the signs of a friendly and sincere gesture while the newest video game is used as a lure? Education or not, kids are naive. We expect too much out of them at such a young age no matter how good our intentions. You can break it down in the simplest of terms, but they would rather be playing outside or hanging with their friends than paying attention to their undeveloped bodies.
    We can certainly teach our children about the dangers of talking with strangers without layering the sexual implications. We already discuss this with our own children in the home…where parents develop the trust and anchor of their core value system.
    The problem I find with Manhunt’s blogs on taboo subjects is the accusatory nature of freewheeling liberals who find it appalling and outright puritanical that the US dismisses acts such as incestuous behavior, or sex with minors. Yet here we have articles on ways to educate our children and protecting them from such behavior. So which side of the fence are you guys sitting on, Manhunt? And don’t throw the diversity card down…

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