Barney Frank Goes Off!

Openly gay congressman Barney Frank is showing his bitchy side… and I like it! Frank got a little frustrated at a crazy town hall guest who compared Health Care Reform to Nazi Germany. Yes, it's a pretty ridiculous comparison whether you support health care reform or not…

I think people need to learn to stop comparing everything to Nazi Germany, it's just getting old and it happens on all sides. I do like Frank's response because I also wonder on what planet these people live on.

– Andy

15 thoughts on “Barney Frank Goes Off!

  1. I wish people would actually RESEARCH a topic before opening their mouths. It pisses me off, to no end, when they start downplaying something because they don’t know enough about how the bill, law, or situation works.

  2. Haha, I love it, having a conversation with you would be like talking to a dining room table, that’s great.

  3. Granted the citizen was using words meant to inflame the subject as opposed to open it for discussion. But perhaps everyone should remember that Barney Frank is in a public service position. He was comparing his constituant to a dining room table. Elected officals need to realize most citizens are scared and frustrated, hence the “over the top” rhetoric. They need to start listening!

  4. people need to actually research and read the facts before they go to these townhall meetings looking like idiots….
    i think these people are fuming because they think “how dare we ALL be allowed the same access to medical care”?!
    when children can’t focus at school because their rotten teeth are hurting them soo badly, and people are dying of AIDS because they don’t have access to medicines then it should be considered a real problem that needs to be solved!

  5. I have no interest what so ever in having my tax dollars go to pay for the ‘health care’ of illegals(the only thing they deserve is a swift and hard boot in the butt back where they came from) and the other leeches who are to lazy to get out and work for a living so that they can afford health insurance. Why is obama even bothering with this when there are more important issues like the economy and the war?

  6. I think he handled the question very well. When such a loaded and unfounded parallel is put forward, why should he dignify it with a response?

  7. Casey, you’re part of the problem. No bill being worked on proposes extending health care to illegal immigrants. It’s fine if you want to debate the facts, but you should find them out first.
    Besides, you already pay for the uninsured in the form of higher taxes and private insurance premiums to cover the ER visits they’re forced to take when a lack of regular care results in dire medical situations.

  8. (1) As a professor of mine used to say, the first person to compare something to Nazi Germany loses the argument. (2) This is an argument for electing gay folks to public office: queens tend not to take crap.

  9. Casey apparently you havent heard………… THEY ARENT COVERING THEM!!!!!! It says it in EVERY SINGLE BILL!

  10. Casey is an ignorant bigot, racist and moron! He doesn’t want to understand the health care proposal. He just wants to spout off. Forgive him. He is too pathetic to worry about.

  11. @casey let’s just hope you never become ill because if we follow your logic, you wouldn’t be deserving of medical care since you wouldn’t be contributing to society…
    thinking like that is the EXACT problem! who the hell are YOU to say that you are more deserving of a trip to a doctour than anyone else?! Sorry to inform you casey, but we’re all human beings who are atleast entitled to medical care.
    if you knew that one of these “leeches” had a medical condition [such as a small tumor that prevented them from working], and the surgery cost maybe $5,000. Wouldn’t it be cheaper for the government to pay $5,000 for the surgery, which would then allow the person to go back to work and get a job making maybe $20,000. a portion of which would be taken in taxes?!
    You [casey] are pennywise and pound foolish…

  12. @Casey…another missed informed person, please research befor write, or open your mouth about Health Care…and if you dont like the public option, keep the plan you have Now!!!

  13. I wanna take a shot at casey, too!! Ooo! Me, me!!
    Casey, my friend, have you heard of the term “working poor”? It means people who work (many of them doing jobs you wouldn’t touch with a 10 inch cock, for many more than 40 hours a week) to earn a living which allows them to SUBSIST! (That means: it pays for a roof over their head, and two or three poor quality meals per day, and that’s about it). They don’t get access to healthcare at work, and they obviously can’t afford to buy it on their own. The stress they’re under, and the poor quality of their diet leads them to requiring healthcare attention, but because they can’t afford it – they put it off until they have to take a trip to the Emergency Room. That means what could’ve been a $100 trip to the doctors office is now a $5,000 trip to the ER. That’s not better for anyone.
    Get over yourself, man. We – YOU – have a responsibility to other human beings. That’s just the way it goes. Welcome to being planet-mates. Glad I could help explain this to you.

  14. @Michael… Politicans aren’t robots. They’re aren’t supposed to be mindless servants of their constituants. We elect people to represent us as a whole… not to cater to a few mindless dimwits.
    As for Casey, historically speaking, most of us are decendants of illegal immigrants. There were human beings (you know, people like you?) on this continent for several THOUSAND years before white folks, so get over the fact that there are other human beings trying to earn a living for their families. So-called “illegals” (not even a grammatically correct term) ‘taking jobs away from Americans’ is bullshit. If Americans are so concerned with their jobs being taken away, ‘they’ should go to the fields and pick the fruits & veggies.
    Barney Frank is AWESOME.

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