Shocker! Pat Robertson Doesn’t Like Hate Crimes Bill

It's no surprise that Pat Robertson is speaking out against the recent passage and signing of the Federal Hate Crimes Bill. The official line of critics is that the law will allow for persecution of religious leaders and those who simply "speak out on moral issues."

Of course, this is total bulls**t, the law targets violent crime, not speech. Check out his tirade and let me know what you think.

– Andy

12 thoughts on “Shocker! Pat Robertson Doesn’t Like Hate Crimes Bill

  1. The first thing that came to mind was:
    “Stupid is as stupid does!”
    WFT, if supposed “men of God” think that they are preaching sermons that are instilling violence against other members of the human race, they need to rethink their preaching!

  2. I just find it funny that they blather on about religious freedom for all in one breath then in the next claim that the country is founded on ‘time honored christian morals’.
    I think its time we all disengage from any debate with these people as to argue with them only gives credence to what they say.

  3. You are right Millsy84.
    You will never convince religious zealots that they are wrong or unsympathetic. It is beyond sad that you can believe and trust in your god so much that you just cannot think for yourself. These foolish people honestly think that god wrote the bible and created earth in 7 days. They are such lost hopeless souls. It is sad that they cannot reason though that god will never forgive them for their bigotry and hate. And yet they claim and preach that god is all about love and acceptance. So mean spirited and hopeless.

  4. Just one more thought. These people believe that when you preach intolerance in church that inspires hatred and criminal activity towards gay people that their freedom of speech is being threatened. WTF? Have they never heard of the 1st amendment? Their logic is so off track that it is almost funny. The law only allows for more funding for investigating hate crimes and more severe punishment for that type of behavior. This has nothing to do with their radical hate speech.

  5. I have noticed that most of these people are OLD MEN (Robertson, Phelps. Hopefully they will just die soon.

  6. “what about a law that protects a person from attacks based on their religious beliefs, not a chance.”
    OMG do these people actually do any research before they say anything! The hate crimes bill does protect religious people.

  7. Hi, gay male and hate-bill-hater here. Shocking, right?
    If the First Amendment means anything, it means that shit you say which is protected in and of itself can’t come back to bite you in the ass later. The problem with hate-crime legislation is that it does just that. Consider two criminals:
    1) Guy one robs a gay male, but did so not knowing that the victim was gay.
    2) Guy two robs a gay male, knowing he was gay. Guy two had been a previous outspoken critic of homosexuality, and said some nasty things about the gays.
    Hate crime legislation means that guy 2 gets a harsher penalty, and we base that on the fact that he spoke. Putting religion aside for a moment, anyone who doesn’t see that there is a glaring First Amendment issue here is a moron.

  8. Max the bill adds on extra penalties to violent crimes when it is deemed they were motivated by gender, sexual orientation or disability.
    If guy two robs a gay male knowing he was gay does not mean a harsher penalty unless it was proven to be a violent crime motivated and proven to be because of his hatred gay people.
    Oh, and this has nothing to do with the 1st amendment. Not sure who the moron is here but my question is are you gay?

  9. Ian, you’re absolutely right. Religion was covered under the original law. I’m sure Mr. Robertson will be made aware of that when he’s beat up by irate gays calling him an intolerant Bible-thumper and decides to press charges.

  10. Lee, like Pat Robertson, I am concerned.
    Slavery – a fundamental Christian belief & a time honored biblical tradition of our nation
    Subjugation of women – a fundamental Christian belief & a time honored biblical tradition of our nation
    Antisemitism – a fundamental Christian belief & a time honored biblical tradition of our nation
    Segregation – a fundamental Christian belief & a time honored biblical tradition of our nation
    Matthew 7:3 NIV© “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?”

  11. I don’t even have to watch this video to know that he doesn’t like this Bill. The sooner this moron does the better off we’ll all be. Gay or straight.

  12. Jeff, you need to learn more about the Bible and Bible-times. Slavery was very different in the times of Abraham and post-Exodus. A “slave” was treated almost like a member of the family and was set free after a certain period of time – unless he/she chose to stay a slave. Then the ear was pierced to show that he/she chose to remain a slave.
    Subjugation of women – that depends on the denomination – some have women in lower positions than others.
    Anti-Semitism – definitely NOT preached by Jesus, who was born a Jew, and said that salvation was to be preached “first for the Jew, then for the Gentile”. And remind me, who is Israel’s biggest ally?
    Segregation – what type? believers from unbelievers? well, yes, to some extent – “in the world, not of it”, but not based on race – Peter found that out by his vision of the tablecloth.
    This nation was founded by men who were, mostly, devout Christians – at least as far as they understood it.
    Yes, I disagree with teaching people that homosexual behavior must be accepted. I also disagree with teaching people to hate, dishonor, hurt, malign, or treat other people disrespectfully.

  13. “It is far more criminal to teach a man to hate himself, than it is to teach a man to hate someone else.”
    -Malcolm X

  14. Jeff, We’re not living in “Bible-times” anymore and that’s the problem with antiquated thinking on the part of Robertson and his ilk. They want their women to be subservient (read barefoot and pregnant) to them; they want minorities that they view to be inferior to be subjugated. IT’S THE 21ST FUCKING CENTURY, PEOPLE! America is a melting pot country that doesn’t follow one religion anymore. Either learn tolerance and respect or go live in the woods with Grizzly Adams!

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