If the man above looks familiar, your eyes aren’t deceiving you! Justin has appeared on the pages of Manhunt Daily in the past (albeit under a different name). Even though I’d swear that I’m not obsessed with him, further evidence seems to indicate otherwise.
But let’s not focus on my unhealthy obsessions! Some brand new pictures of Justin have been released by PINUPS magazine. As you might expect, I’ve been drooling over them for the past week. And while I’d normally take this moment to say something super-dirty about the subject of this post, I’ll keep my mouth shut to avoid being “tacky“.
– Dewitt
Photo credit: PINUPS
To check out more pictures of Justin, follow the JUMP:
Woof. Justin can do me anytime he wants to and I would give him everything he wants. Email me Justin.
Huh? Overweight, outta shape, and no dick. Please explain to me the attraction of this man.
He’s kinda cute, but his dick is just too small.
Is not that his dick is that small, is just that he, being so fat changes the perspective! (kidding) gross.
woof mmm
My Papa Bear… what big balls you have! 8D
Well Jimmy T, one of the attractions may be that he is just a regular good looking guy that is not so shallow as to disparage someone else’s looks. Just a thought.
eh, I want to see it hard.
hell yeh i would do that and ever hear of a grower not a shower? i know people who have small dicks when soft but big when hard. sorry for those that wont do him cause he is not a twink.
I have been HOT in lust wth Christian from NYSM for a long time. He was the only reason I paid for site. He sucks cock in all the vids, but I was always frustrated that he never got naked or even get off in his vids…I still am in lust with him after seeing his hairy cubbish hunkiness. Though I am a top, he can fuck me anytime.
Yummm!… He’s really and not glossy.
Thanks for including a nice bear! Not really my type, but variety is always nice, especially given the stereotypes so prevalent in the community.
that grower not a shower shit is a lie.
No it’s not, Bobby. So you’ve went around to every guy on the planet, huh?
I like his nipples? Yeah.. I like his nipples….
And thanks, Tam is an ass for changing your name from disparaging someone..
Not every man is in “perfect” shape. Grow up guys. personally, I find him super hot.
you don’t have to look like a ken doll to be attractive. vanity is so not hot.
i dont care if he is “overweight”…he is damn hott and can do me anyday!!! i would let him do what he wants to me…very hott!!! u need a good lay email me justin!!!
“Justin”: Built For Bottoming.
i think he’s cute.
although i’ll never see the guy, i would be interested in seeing what i could do with the fellow.
I love that Dewitt is a chaser, cause i think this man is beautiful! I would like more pics, but i mean cmon, he is a real man that is not all chiseled like those fake models. I love it.
Where are all you guys who like the heavy hairy man. I am heavy and hairy, but I know most guys around here just look the other way. They just want the twinks.
I know Cuteman, i have the same problem. I’m heavy, but not hairy, still guys are too “stuck on themselves” to notice the person I am.
Fat people don’t get no respect from me cause they OBVIOUSLY don’t respect themselves or, anyone else for that matter! :-)LOL
OMG…the man has a gut??? the world has come to a screeching halt because a man that has a gut has been pictured on Manhunt daily,,,for all those that said that he has a small dick and that he’s fat,,,do you ever wonder what others think about you? beauty is to the eye of the beholder and I have always found myself attracted to hairy beefy men. now for all those negative comments that were posted, you guys may think your all hot and what not and that maybe true but your really kinda ugly with that way of thinking..good luck trying to find someone who can appreciate you and not your looks,,
there are assholes in this forum…. and i don’t mean the ones in the pictures…
WOOF!!! ;p~
This man is a dream… I love him.
his balls are so big in the first pic he has cameltoe!
I’d definately suck that cock and test the grower not shower theory. What hard research…
He shows his dick in a post in the August 28, 2009 archives..
He is more erect in those for the shallow vapid guys in the forum….
His dick is not small… it’s just flacid in these pics….
he’s cute
Wow, he is smoking hot… there are many of us that prefer a real man, like this one, to some glitter covered twink!
Gimme a man with some meat on his bones over some self centered, stuck up twink any day!
Tam is an ass…at least you have an appropriate screen name.
He’s got a cute face…I’d love to see him smile.
Funny, Jimmy. I actually agreed with you in this post. I am not an ass. I’m’ a human being just like you. At least not all of my posts are negative like yours are! You do nothing but hate all day long. I try to have something nice to say about everything. And if I can’t, I don’t comment.
I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But I am disappointed. I say this kindly: Tam is an ass is being hypocritical by saying we shouldn’t slam other guys posted, yet he keeps a name that slams me. How is that right?
So…you’re the same person as “Tam Is An Ass” or what? I don’t get it. And like I said before, take a fuckin’ hike or hold your breath forever, asshole. Why are you compelled to pick fights on this stupid blog with me or anyone else? I have a right to my comments and my opinion as much as you do, whether you agree or not, now shut the fuck up!
Dewitt The jump pix was enough 4 me ( went straight 2 comment section ) all I’ve got 2 say is Dewitt if U do wear glasses than U should get some and if U do than I strongly recommend U have them adjusted ….
ToddM I have 2 agree with JimmyT I don’t get your last commnet R U and Tam is ass one and the same ?
From personal experience, I know that Justin’s dick isn’t small. It’s a little more than 7in. I’m happy for him that he has a claim to fame.