Will Date Night Be As Awesome As I Want It To Be?

Date Night, Steve Carrell, Tina Fey

I don't know if I've ever mentioned this before, but Steve Carell gives me a total boner. Though I realize most of you probably don't consider him as doable as his Office co-star John Krasinski, I'm just going to flat out admit it–I've "whacked off" to pictures of him on multiple occasions. From his sad-sack characters to his goofball ones, all I want to do is get this man on my penis.

With that said, my love for Tina Fey is no secret. No, I may not want to get her on my penis, but I do think she's one of the funniest women in the entertainment industry. So what happens when her and Carrell get together for a movie? What happens when that movie also involves a handful of other attractive men, including Common, James Franco, Mark Ruffalo and (a very shirtless) Mark Wahlberg?

The resulting movie is Date Night, and it's yet to be determined if it'll be as good as I want it to be. Based on the trailer, I'm not sure if it'll live up to my expectations, but it doesn't look like it'll completely suck. Click through to check it out, and let me know what you think. Will you be seeing this when it hits theaters?

– Dewitt

To watch the trailer for Date Night, follow the JUMP:

8 thoughts on “Will Date Night Be As Awesome As I Want It To Be?

  1. Not at all what I expected it to be like! As long as Tina Fey had some hand in the writing, this should be quite funny. On the other hand, the trailer wasn’t THAT funny and since they tend to show the funniest bits in movie trailers…

  2. If I had anything to say about it, he would DEFINITELY get whacked off.
    It looks like it might be pretty funny. Even if it’s not, I might still watch it just to see my guy Steve get more sexy screen time.

  3. The movie looks appealing to me for sure…and as for Steve Carrol, “With a spoon”. I love a man with a sense of humor, and he is definitely not a butter face.

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