Who Would You Rather?: RuPaul’s Out-Of-Drag Race

Gentlemen, start your engines! And tell me which of these RuPaul’s Drag Race contestants you’d fuck out of drag. The last time I did a poll like this, I confessed that I’d have sex with Phi Phi O’Hara, so for the sake of my dignity, I’m not going to tell you that I’d stick my dick balls-deep inside Trinity Bonet‘s pretty ass. (Damnit! So much for that plan.)

We’ll all have to wait until February to see the queen’s true colors and realize how wrong we were about our superficial snap judgments. Until then, you can watch short interviews with each contestant and try to predict who’ll win before the season airs. Vivacious, so far, is my early favorite.

– Dewitt

See pictures of each contestant and cast your vote below:



RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1



RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1



RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1



RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1



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RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1



RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1



RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1



RuPauls Drag Race Season Six Contestants 1




194 thoughts on “Who Would You Rather?: RuPaul’s Out-Of-Drag Race

  1. Wow, I may not be a huge fan of drag… but i’m going to have to keep an eye on this contest. GL to all the performers

  2. I would fuck the milk out of Milk.
    April Carrion is too cute to have sex with, more like an extremely cute stuffed animal to cuddle with.

  3. Absolutely NONE of them anything remotely associated with Rupaul is a big fat NO for me !!!

  4. so cool to see Courtney still around… been a long time since she was a finalist on Australian Idol

  5. These bitches are serving up some serious fish this season! I kinda miss the early drag race years where the girls were a bit sloppy…..they all look so polished now!

  6. I think many people people in the queer community, especially gay men who judge other gay men for doing drag forget that drag queens were some of the first people of the community to rally and fight for queer rights. Also, some men do drag just as a fun thing from time to time, like a hobby. Drag isn’t all they are, some drag queens are very butch men outside of the glitz and glam. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with portraying a female, even to such extremes as some drag queens do these days. A gay man is still a gay man, drag isn’t the only definition nor should it be the ultimate definition of a man who chooses to partake in such a thing. I know a lot of really nice, attractive not only physically but in many other ways and very datable men who do drag, and get turned down by other gay men because they do drag. It’s very weird how gay men judge each other for the various activities they participate in and the things they like to do such as drag. I’m lucky to be dating a man who accepts all of me, even the drag side which isn’t often out and about anyways. Love a person for who they are not what they are, isn’t that the message we usually try to preach to our oppressors and opponents in the fight for fair and equitable civil human rights? All these comments about not wanting to do these people in or out of drag simply because they associate with and perform drag is just utterly idiotic and full of Sh*t!

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