For those who aren’t in the know, Chris Hemsworth is the Australian actor who was selected to play Thor in Marvel’s upcoming superhero flick. His younger brother, Liam Hemsworth, is most known for dating Miley Cyrus and eating a banana in his tighty whities. As you can see, they were both blessed with excellent genes…
It recently occurred to us that we never asked you a super-obvious question–which one of these brothers would you rather fuck? And since we know ninety-percent of you horny fuckers are going to answer “both”, we’re going to include that as an option.
– Dewitt
To cast your vote, follow the JUMP:
Both at the same time please!!!
both, but Chris more
You should really track down a picture of Chris as Thor. The vote wouldn’t even be close.
Chris looks better with his Thor muscles. Liam is too cute, too Miley cutie pie Cyrus.
Thank you for the ‘both’ option!!
Chris is much hotter than Liam by a long shot.
Liam is so hot I want one for Christmas
Where’s the ‘neither’ option?
if it’s neither you seriously should see a sex counselor
The odds really aren’t fair considering you picked the least flattering pick of Chris possible (no guy looks hot in a Jane Lynch hairdo)
I want to fuck Liam while Chris fucks me, Please
Chris over Liam any day, but both wouldn’t be a bad option at all!
I want a three-way!
Given the option of both, some people actually chose between them?
Just based on the 2 votable pics alone… I’d say Chris. Liam looks like that queer from Jason and deMarco. Ughhh, can’t stand men who look like women b/c of their haircuts. NOT sexy!
Strike that. Reverse it. I’d do Liam… Chris looks like the girl. Sorry for the confusion.
i’m kinda shocked that liam is leading chris in this vote so far. chris, esp as thor, good lawd! so hot
I went with both. Too tough to decide! Dang!
Holy Marvel comics! I honestly cant think right now
Oh,goody…I can have my Chris and enjoy Liam, too. Delicious! Loved Liam naked in season 2 of Showtime Australia’s “Satisfaction.”
I would FUCK them BOTH & very HARD 🙂 🙂 🙂 !!!
I’ve always had a HUGE crush on Chris, ever since he appeared on a show down under called Home & Away… I don’t much care for the show AT ALL but I used to have mutual masturbation fantasies about him when I was an in-the-closet 13-year-old 🙂
I’ll take both please. lol!