Unlockables: The Scrotum Peek-A-Boo

This isn’t something you see every day on Manhunt! Picture a man who’s wearing a shirt but nothing below the waist. His cock is tucked in under the shirt, but his balls are hanging out from the bottom. Is this type of shot arousing? Or is it just plain weird?

We’ve called upon Jay of English Lads to demonstrate this rarely seen phenomenon, and it’s up to you to vote on the hotness of the pose. Remember, your opinion should not be based on your attraction (or lack thereof) to this model. He’s just here to provide an example!

For those of you wondering the results of last week‘s poll, nearly eighty percent of readers approve of the “shirt lift” profile picture. With that said, there were nearly two-hundred voters who wouldn’t hook up with someone who used that pose! Head over here for the full results.

– Dewitt

Photo credit: English Lads

To check out Jay demonstrating this pose, follow the JUMP:

Entirely unrelated bonus shot!:

16 thoughts on “Unlockables: The Scrotum Peek-A-Boo

  1. All this sight ever posts is TWINKS TWINKS TWINKS..yeah they are fun to look at but so aren’t fit rugged guys in their 40’s

  2. Doesn’t really matter…Just makes me want to see what’s under the shirt more….and yeah, the model is a hottie.

  3. I don’t think the jewel peek-a-boo really adds to a guy. While I believe that the balls are a much needed addition to the cock and ball show I think that it just doesn’t make a hook up decision (or jack-off session) more or less likely. Just there.

  4. Agree with storyboard, balls peeking out of a shorts leg is HOT, but just showing your balls…. kinda makes me think your cock isn’t all that…

  5. Wow…13.62% think it’s weird as of my voting time. We are just so desperate to judge especially something so normal and so unoffensive. No wonder so many of these bitches can’t find a man…they judge him to death before he gets a chance to wow them.

  6. I think the balls are hotter than the dick, just me, I feel the balls hold the essence of the man, a dick is a dick….

  7. I think the balls are hotter than the dick, just me, I feel the balls hold the essence of the man, a dick is a dick….

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