Ugandan Newspaper Outs “Top Homos”

Ugandan Homos

Notoriously anti "homo" Ugandan newspaper Red Pepper is up to it again! After their violence inducing "HOMO TERROR!" headline last year, the influential tabloid is back and naming names. Their headline "Top Homos in Uganda Named" is self explanatory, and aims to out homosexuals as well as their businesses, associations and other information that makes them easy to find (click on the picture to read the article).

The piece reads, "This is a killer dossier, a heat-pounding and sensational masterpiece that largely exposes Uganda’s shameless men and unabashed women that have deliberately exported the western evils to our dear and sacred society." As you can tell, they really think they're doing something noble here.

Since the paper is owned by a half-brother of the country's president, any action is very unlikely. The paper also teases more to come, promising "more shocking things you didn't know about Homos." I guess this is when they'll reveal that we kidnap babies and indoctrinate them?

– Andy

Photo Credit: BoxTurtleBulletin

2 thoughts on “Ugandan Newspaper Outs “Top Homos”

  1. Hmmm. If these homos are from uganda, the paper should have realized that they imported and not exported the so called western evil. Grammar is important even in bad journalism!

  2. Well, it could be worse and they could all be executed like they do to gays in Iran and Iraq.
    Speaking of bad journalism, we also have our own western evil doing his part in outing homos…America’s screaming queen, Perez Hilton.

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