This Isn’t Narcissistic In The Least Bit

The official title of Ricky Martin‘s upcoming autobiography? Me. The picture that appears on the front cover? A giant close-up of the “Livin’ La Vida Loca” singer’s face. His scruffy, yet undeniably beautiful face. Perhaps we should take a moment to discuss this…

We can’t really blame Ricky for this cover. Let’s be real. If you were anywhere near as gorgeous as he is, you’d probably do the same exact thing. And when it comes to judging a book by its cover? This one would deserve a Pulitzer Prize based on hotness alone.

But on a completely different note–how many of you are now regretting your choice in this week’s Who Would You Rather?

– Dewitt

18 thoughts on “This Isn’t Narcissistic In The Least Bit

  1. i think most ppl who would be interested in the book would already be pretty familiar with his face.

    for me, an introspective, “artsy” photo would be both more sexy and a more intriguing cover, perhaps making me even want to actually read it! (sorta doubt it though) lol

  2. I also wished for a more artsy photo like the nudes from his last concert tour program or the ones in the show. whole body naked was the way to go!

  3. Hahahahaha. I just can’t shake the impression that in that shot, he looks like a young George Clooney.

  4. So he stole the title from Katherine Hepburn’s bio. Rather sleazy – she never did a cover of ‘La Vida Loco’.
    PS Did she?

  5. The missive by Dewitt suggests that there is some mystery or issue that is worthy of close scrutiny here in Martin’s biopic.

    Let’s be real.

    This is about money. Ricky Martin, his agency and its associated PR machine, the publisher, and all the other symbiotic capitalists clinging on tightly like so many lampreys on the enfeebled and sinking carcass of Ricky Martin’s pop career are intent only upon wringing every possible last dollar out of this opportunity.

    They may have even orchestrated Mr. Martin’s recent press release in order to kindle interest and generate sales. The cover and the title were also very likely carefully selected in some corporate boardroom with an eye toward stimulating the most sales.

    This is purely about making money.

  6. There is nothing wrong with the cover pic at all. If you have a face like that, why not put it up front and out there. It is called “marketing.” Recognition generates interest. An interest I’ll be holding onto with one hand…

  7. really nice cover.
    and a very appropriate title.
    what do u expect an autobiography to be called?

  8. @Nex
    Thanks, I cant agree with you more. The autobio is about him, so there is nothing wrong to call it me.

    Unless someone (“@manhunt”) has a better profound cover name.

  9. @bobby ray: “captain obvious”. nice…lol.

    @Nex: totally agree with you. autobio of a talented and handsome man, with a great b/w cover photo…fitting title…’nuff said.

    @detwitt: narcissistic? quit hating, douche.

  10. To quote Christina Aguilera, “I’m not cocky, I just love myself.”

    Narcissism totally turns me on.

    Is that a bad thing? Maybe.

    Do I care? Not so long as he still rips me up at the end of the pre-dawn/dawn/morning/day/evening/sunset/night/breakfast/lunch/dinner/every time the day ends in ‘y’/all of the above. 🙂

  11. I think his pix on the cover is very appropriate after all the book is tittled Ricky Martin ME , It would be rather strange if he had a picture Sammy Davis Jr on the cover ….

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