The Hottest Threesome Ever Could Be Waiting For You In Canada

They refer to themselves on Manhunt as GreatCanadians. They describe themselves as “your typical boy-meets-boy story you’ve read about in those dirty magazines”. They’re available for a threesome. Being the Lucky Pierre for these two would obviously be a transcendent moment for anyone. Look at them. Have you ever wanted to be spit-roasted more in your life? SPIT-ROAST ME LIKE A PIG, GreatCanadians!

– J. Harvey

Check out more pics of GreatCanadians below:












You know you want more of these guys. Click here.



22 thoughts on “The Hottest Threesome Ever Could Be Waiting For You In Canada

  1. They are sort of an inside joke in Toronto. 95% of gays know who they are. You know what they say: birds of the same feathers………

  2. They are certainly HOT!!! But they look too much alike, like twins or at the very least brothers. Everything from the eyes, eyebrows, nose, lips, jaw line, body type, even same smiles!

    It’s clear they have a type, the mirror…

  3. This is a joke, right? There is no couple in existence that is THAT good look… no, not good looking, HOT HOT HOT OMG their HOT!

    Just sayin’.

  4. PLEASE BELIEVE ALL THE NEG COMMENTS I did them twice and both times I would say I would never do those idiots again. Ha but the sex was just ok and if I heard fuck me bro one more time I was going to turn straight!. They are also traveling hookers whose rates fluctuate from 50 bucks to 500. depends on the weather guess.

  5. The blond guy is former Canadian figure skating champ Luc Bradet who skated for Canada in the 1998 Olympics. Google his name to find YouTube videos of his skating performances. You can look them up on Dudes Nude using their handle Kustom.

  6. You did them twice? I heard nothing after that. šŸ™‚ I would kill to hear one of them say “fuck me bro” or at least come up with $100 to 1,000 dollars.

  7. I’ll take your word for it that they are idiots but I don’t really care. I promise not to have a conversation with them while they spit-roast me.

  8. You *totally* sound reliable dude… Especially when you wrote going back for seconds after such a terrible time. Traveling does not equate to hookers… Just lucky bastards. And if it is true, how much did you pay them? Just sayin’. Doesn’t add up. Sounds more like a jealous hater.

  9. I Don’t pay for sex. I am not “hating” you have no idea what I look like u idiot. Yes Lame Hook ups on MH happen all the time and they don’t add up? Yes out of boredom I think we all do repeats when we shouldn’t. I am not hating just stating the facts. and yes traveling constantly and having ad ad out on rent boy while you are in the same town as MH makes you hookers. Bad hookers yes but all the same hookers.

  10. blakewhore’s comments are totally believable to me. I’ve many times hooked up with someone a second time when the first wasn’t great if the guys are hot, just because of boredom, horniness, and you never know if the second time might be better. Even if the guys are dicks, you have to admit they’re hot, especially the dark haired one. It’s one of the oddities of sexual attraction: guys like this might get a second chance when they’re not really worth even one try, and guys who might have a lot to offer but look really dull might never get a first chance. Nothing wrong with it… it means the dull guys should find other ways to meet people lol, because online doesn’t suit their strengths.

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