“Stop trying to rape me!” is the most improbable phrase to ever emerge from Benny G‘s mouth. This is a man who’s so desperate for anal penetration that he backed his ass up onto a foosball table. Are we really supposed to believe that before Rafael Alencar, Marco Bolt and the Maverick Men got to his hole, he was a resistant prison bitch bottom who clenched up at the thought of a dick up his butt?
If that’s the case—and, uh, it’s probably not—Benny’s tune has changed quite a bit since his 2009 fling with Officer Thompson. He was recently spotted in the Fraternity X house down on his knees, begging his frat brother Ethan to pound him like a dirty slut.
Did he get what he wanted? Watch below to find out!
– Dewitt
Photo credit: Fraternity X
Watch Benny G get fucked on two separate occasions below:
Getting strip-searched by Officer Thompson on Parole Him:
Getting fucked by Ethan while he watches the game on Fraternity X:
The dude cant keep a hard on when getting pounded…whats up with that?
If your sex partner were more interested in the TV remote control than in you, you might have a hard time getting it up, too.
Benny G isn’t terrible, but Officer Thompson is gorgeous!
Well I and a lot of other guys aren’t hard when we get fucked. Myself, all my attention is focused on my ass and how good it’s feeling. I don’t even jerk myself when Im getting fucked or want the guy to do it for me. It’s all about the sensations I am feeling in my hole. There really is no need for a hard-on for the bottom.
HEY DeTwit! WHY do you constantly disparage bottom guys? You call them “sluts”, “whores”, “bitches” and the like. You sound like a misogynistic straight guy that has self-esteem issues. Do you have to put down others to feel better about your inadequacies? If queers didn’t have bottom guys, WHO would we fuck? Give them a break DeTwit! We should appreciate that they have a sexual desire to be fucked! Hail to all bottoms!
Hail to all bottoms indeed! There’s nothing wrong with being a slut, whore or getting pounded like a dirty bitch.
You are so poetic…Not! Why don’t you try pumping up your vocabulary and use words like “studly”, “hot”, “insatiable” bottoms (try to use words with more than one syllable – like idiot:) Not all bottoms wish to be sluts or whores. Thus once again, you are making a sweeping generalization. You should probably grab a dictionary to read my reply, DeTwit!
Why does it seem that in so many of Benny’s clips, he looks either high or stupid-drunk? That’s not sexy at all.
Mind you, it’s also not so hot at all that the top frat-guy can’t be bothered to put down the tv remote. What’s up with that?
I like both. Officer Thompson actually gets flipped by Benny’s buddy in one of the videos. Can’t remember his name — muscular dude with light hair and scruffy, handsome face. I hope they continue having the parole officers get fucked now and then — very hot!
Benny G is Hot!! There is something about that muscle bottom that a real turn, def like to bury my tongue deep in his ass before I fuck it with my big thick black dick. Its funny the kid in the frat house is more interested in watching a movie than fucking Benny.
Thank you for your feedback. I will choose to ignore it and talk about sex the way I want to talk about sex.
Onya, Dewitt. There’s nothing wrong with the word slut, whore, or a term that just came to mind a moment ago…”Hyper-sensitive Politically Over-correct Forced-Celibate.”
Does anyone know if Benny G is on twitter??
Coke? Meth? Drunk?