Screw apples and zebras! They were great for teaching us the alphabet back in the day, but we’re going straight gaily forward to Maurice Vellekoop‘s ABC Book if we ever need a refresher course. The 1997 publication will ruin your childhood in the best way […]
Tag: gladiators
Gay Ass Gossip: Shia LaBeouf Sells Out Megan Fox
ITEM – Mmm, banana. How do you think he keeps getting all these blockbuster movie roles? Transformers: Josh Duhamel Doesn’t Get Naked is out, and we’re faced with the usual endless interviews with its stars. Shia LaBeouf spoke with Details, and took the opportunity to […]
Celebrity Skin: Mike Edward
There’s this show on Starz about gladiators called Spartacus: Blood and Sand, and it is RACY. The producers know that they have gays in the audience, because there’s plenty of sweaty warrior muscle running around. Grappling with each other. While naked. This show is AWESOME. […]
Because I Can’t Stop Posting About Spartacus
Rumor has it that the latest episode of Spartacus: Blood and Sand featured an orgy complete with filthy sweaty man-on-man action. Of course, this isn't really a rumor, given that we have screen-caps to prove it. I'm starting to wonder if I should even start watching […]
More Hotness From Spartacus
If you're willing to watch a guy's face being ripped off just to see some gay gladiator sex and full-frontal wang shots, then you should probably be watching Starz's Spartacus: Blood and Sand. Apparently you can watch full episodes on the network's website, but I'm […]
I Will Own Spartacus On DVD
I don't even need to see a single episode of Spartacus: Blood and Sand to know that I will be buying this show on DVD. The screen caps from the second episode alone are enough to entice me. Sweaty muscular bodies? Check. Outrageous bulges? Check. […]