Glee put on a Katy Perry vs. Lady Gaga episode this week, and the highlight was the producers putting their hottest cast members into loincloths for the “Roar” number. No, I don’t mean Dot-Marie Jones. I mean Chord Overstreet (now with gross ponytail), Darren Criss, […]
Tag: Chord Overstreet
Gay Ass Gossip: Sam And Blaine Have Daring Gay Sex Shower Scene On “Glee”
ITEM – Because when Trouty Mouth wants to assfuck in the shower, you DO IT. Creator Ryan Murphy is pushing all the boundaries he can this season on Glee to boost flagging ratings. Whereas the gay themes on the show in past seasons have mainly […]
Confession: Chord Overstreet’s Face Is Incredibly Painful To Look At (For Me, At Least)
Does anyone else still torture themselves by sitting through the wretched, poorly-written mess known as Glee? It’s funny, ’cause someone I know referred to the upcoming series Smash as “Glee for adults”. Remember when Glee premiered, and it was supposed to be “High School Musical […]
Popular Demand: Austin Wilde, Chord Overstreet & More
Yowsers! Typing the title of this post gave us major wood. Could you imagine a scene between Austin Wilde and Chord Overstreet? Those pouty “Trouty Mouth” lips wrapping themselves around Austin’s huge cock, as he sticks his smooth ass directly in the air… Oh, sorry! […]
Glee Has Struck A Chord
We’re sure some of you Gleeks out there are sobbing into your Starbucks this morning with the news that Glee has expelled Chord Overstreet from McKinley High. It’s certainly not because he was an integral part of the story. It’s more likely because he’s fuckworthy, […]
Gay Ass Gossip: Kathy Griffin Gets Spicy
ITEM – It’s the Old Spice Guy! Who doesn’t love him? Word on the firecrotch is that Kathy Griffin might be letting Old Spice Guy (real name Isaiah Mustafa) explore her blazing comedy cavern. Kathy doesn’t love Manhunt, but we still think she’s swell and […]
Gleek Out: Comeback
How convenient! Shortly after the release of Justine Bieber‘s 3D “documentary” Never Say Never, the cast of Glee decided to take on two of the lesbian pop star’s musical numbers. But, you know, this show hasn’t become a slick marketing vehicle for the faultering music […]
Gleek Out: Special Education
Magic combs! Trouble in paradise! And showy performances of vaguely bad pop songs! Yup, it must be the sectionals episode of Glee, which made its way to television last night. As the members of New Directions competed against The Warblers and The Hipsters, there was […]
Cock-A-Doodle Do Me: Tobin
Tobin reminds me of Chord Overstreet from Glee, in the sense that he’s almost too pretty. Of course, there’s a fine line between “You look like the understudy for Mary Martin’s Peter Pan” and men who we’d like to ride until they tell us to […]
Gleek Out: The Rocky Horror Glee Show
Last night, the cast of Glee tackled The Rocky Horror Picture Show. As someone who’s never attended a midnight showing of this movie, I’m not even going to attempt reviewing the performances from this episode. It’s one thing to piss off a bunch of angry […]