Stuff Straight People Like: Shaq

Believe it or not, there are straight people who work at Manhunt headquarters. One of them sits directly behind me, and it’s not unusual for him to pitch stories for the Daily. He’ll turn to me and say, “Hey Dewitt! Have you seen this (insert random thing)?” Then I’ll roll my eyes, and tell him we wrote about that, like, a year ago.

Hence the birth of our newest series Stuff Straight People Like. Sure, this has already been done on other spaces of the interweb, but our version is different because we actually asked a straight person. Or he sort of volunteered the information without us asking. Either way, it’s going to be fucking awesome.

So without further ado, here’s our first item–Shaquille O’Neal. This morning, I received a text from our resident straight dude asking, “Hey Dewitt! Have you ever written a story about Shaquita?” My assumption was that he meant New York City drag queen Shequida, which led to a bit of confusion on my part.

Technically, I wasn’t very far off… Shaquita is the drag alter-ego of the 7’1″ Celtics player, who previously appeared in a lip-synch video for Beyonce‘s “Sweet Dreams”. My heterosexual colleague discovered this gem while reading this article, and he demanded that we write a story about it. And there you have it. We didn’t just write a story. We created a whole new feature for him. Stay tuned in, because the fun doesn’t stop here.

– Dewitt

To check out more of Shaquita, follow the JUMP:

Bonus pics, just for fun:

9 thoughts on “Stuff Straight People Like: Shaq

  1. Dude, can I just appreciate Shaq for being a straight guy who has no qualms about dressing in drag? For such a prominent athlete to say “yeah, i dress in drag – what of it?!” is pretty cool. I don’t know his motivations, but isn’t this what one element of the change we’re trying to see in society – that gender norms and stereotypes are bunk? True, he’s not making a lifestyle statement, but at the same time he’s not putting up a pseudo-macho front about what a guy is and isn’t supposed to be doing. I think it’s awesome.

  2. Why should a Gay person care what hetero-perverts think? This is old crap (Remember Dennis Rodman). LOL

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