Put your money where Caden’s mouth is.
I don’t know how we missed writing about this earlier in the month. Reality Dudes’ Str8chaser series is killing it lately. Why? Well, they’re fetishizing straight men. Something to which we are not opposed! If only it were this easy. No, I’m not saying I’ve ever paid for sex. But if an opportunity like this presented itself…
Caden’s your average hot blonde with sweet abs, a sizeable dick, and a two-scoops-of-vanilla-ice-cream ass. Hmm, Caden, how much would it cost for you to show us your chest? Your ass? Howzabout your cock? His reluctance is followed by resignation as our cameraman frees Caden’s dick from his shorts. There’s something delicious about that first sight of pubes and a little bit of his shaft. It’s just the start.
Caden must be in need of a new bike or something because, spoiler alert, he ends up with a dick in his mouth. But does he end up with one in his tight, young ass? Just how much money does it take to gain entry to this allegedly virgin territory? Find out below.
– Michael Xavier
Reality Dudes

Made me crack up on your two scoops of ice cream reference!
Not my thing I’m afraid