It was 2am on a Saturday night. I stumbled into my kitchen to make poor decisions and eat leftover fried chicken whilst drunk, when I saw an ominous package sitting atop the fridge. It was an empty box of Barilla rigatoni, taunting me just days after the company’s CEO made homophobic remarks on an Italian radio show. My immediate instinct, which was neither mature nor sensible, was to Photoshop various images from gay porn into the empty window of this box.
“That’ll show Guido Barilla to fuck with us,” I thought to myself, as I chomped into a cold chicken leg and ran upstairs to my computer. In a moment of clarity, I wondered if it would be more effective (and relevant) to Photoshop gay families into the boxes. Then I started looking at porn, and well, things just unfolded as I had previously planned.
Days later, I read that Barilla issued a statement of apology to the gay community and anyone who was offended by the CEO’s remarks. All of my hard work seemed useless at this point. They apologized! They’re trying to evolve! Basically, I edited all of these dicks and buttholes into pasta boxes for nothing…
And then I had a change of heart. This apology was bullshit. Guido Barilla doesn’t give a fuck about gay families. If nobody heard this interview and called for a boycott of his products, he would have stood his ground and never bothered saying “sorry” to anyone. He still doesn’t believe we’re equals. Point blank.
With that in mind, I dug up a few of the old images and made some more. To further insult Barilla’s homophobic sensibilities, I will offer a three month unlimited membership to Manhunt to the member who can identify the highest amount of porn stars featured in these images. Do not, however, post your answers in the comments section. Send them to me here.
– Dewitt
See how many gay porn stars you can recognize in the Barilla boxes:
As an intellectual property attorney this may be trademark disparagement and actionable by Barilla. I suggest you review this with your attorneys before you get a cease and desist letter from Barilla’s attorneys.
Agree with him or not, his actual remarks were not homophobic…you can’t throw that word around so lightly…it will diminish what’s really homophobic.
Define homophobia for the rest of us in class. If you don’t consider his remarks homophobic, then I want to know what is.
a mature adult would have instead of photoshopping porn, photoshoped various gay couples doing things such as hugging, raising their kids and, specifically to call back to the what said ceo said, having a gay couple having a family meal of pasta.
but then again, mature adults are such fucking bores so good on you.
Yeah, not to mention that it would have been highly inappropriate to feature children on the Manhunt blog.
It took some time for the news to reach the US apparently. I got wind of it via Italian women, who actually found his comments as offensive to LGBT people and women. Not only does he not accept that 2 men/2 women can raise/be a family, he actually believes the place of the woman is to be home in the kitchen and be the perfect housewife.
His pre-historic concept of family is just damaging to his company, which lead to his ‘so-called-apology’; so kudos to you and the little cut-outs –
And as a gay man, I am told 24/7 that carbs are bad for you, so what better incentive to quit the pasta?
Ditto, no self respecting gay would ever eat so many carbs.
“Fisting and Pasta? MMMMM mom! you’re the best cook ever!”
These photos are hysterical !! Thanks for the giggles !
(((((Mama Celeste rolling over in her grave ))))))) lol