Well, hello salty goodness! (I stole that from a really old Buffy episode. Joss Whedon is God.) Apparently, in my day-to-day porno round-up drive-by, I missed the incredible specimen named Dave Summerlin. He intro’ed his body and his jerking skills for Next Door Male. I’m going to need him to move next door to ME. Fuck that, I’ll take the couch if I get to suck that cock everyday.
More on Dave from the studio (he’s only 18 so I feel a little guilty but not really):
Dave is an 18-year-old athlete who’s a bit nervous about his first time getting naked on camera. He’s always been curious about exploring his own body and he wants to share the process with us. Dave starts out on a couch, getting in touch with his sexual nature, feeling himself up and down. Watch him throw his head back in ecstasy as he lets his inhibitions melt away. We get a nice look at Dave’s round, plump ass, flexing and relaxing as he pleasures himself. And finally we join Dave as he blows a nice, warm load.
Magnificent Promising Specimen should be the title of his porn memoirs. Let’s look at more of Dave Summerlin below. You can see him cum to fruition, so to speak, here.
– Michael Xavier

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