So Glad We Can’t Get Pregnant!


Can an eleven year old get you pregnant? This is an actual question posed in WikiAnswers' "Can You Get Pregnant" category, which we obviously peruse on a regular basis. I don't even want to imagine the scenario in which a woman would need to ask such a question, so let's just focus on some of the funnier inquiries:

  • Can you get pregnant mentally?
  • Can a girl get pregnant from dry humping with her boyfriend when she has on underwear and basketball shorts and he has on underwear and blue jeans and he ejaculated?
  • Can you get pregnant if he ejaculated on your back and you didn't clean it up right his penis never got in me and I'm still a virgin?
  • Can you get pregnant by humping the side of your bathtub and still get the pleasure of humping for real? 

Man, I'm so glad I can't get pregnant! I was worried that I'd have to stop humping the side of my bath tub.

– Dewitt

5 thoughts on “So Glad We Can’t Get Pregnant!

  1. 1. Only if you’re with Chriss Angel.
    2. We know you’re not a virgin.
    3. Ask Soulja Boy
    4. Yes. We all know those bathtubs have baby mama’s all over the place.

  2. Isn’t this even more reason to have comprehensive sex education? I’m sure most of these people were taught abstinence only or nothing at all.

  3. lol…like the post. and that ‘side of bathtub’ humping thing depends on who might have humped it before you…………and what with.

  4. TC, I’m sure most of the people that would ask these questions wouldn’t have paid attention in Sex Ed for more than a min. . .not that I’m saying sex ed isn’t important (it is!) but stupid people are going to be stupid people no matter what.

  5. This is why we need to have selective breeding. I remember my grandmother and grandfather telling me they mated to have intelligent children, not because they loved each other. I suppose that explains why we do not ask stupid questions such as these. Lol.

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