Sneak Peek at the New MANHUNT Daily

MANHUNT Daily Homepage

Hey guys, as Dewitt mentioned a few weeks ago, MANHUNT Daily will be getting a makeover. We took into consideration a lot of the suggestions that you mentioned and came up with a design that will make everyone happy. We know that this new design will take some time to get used to, but trust us, it will make your experience on here more enjoyable. Thoughts?

– Andy

For the sneak peek at the new MANHUNT Daily, follow the JUMP:


Just joshing with ya guys! We are working on a new design for the Daily and this is obviously not it. The new site won't be up for a while, but we are still looking for suggestions and ideas that you might have. Feel free to leave comments.

19 thoughts on “Sneak Peek at the New MANHUNT Daily

    there is nothing wrong with the way it is now!
    what is wrong with you, people?
    stop trying to FIX what isn’t broken!
    the new Manhunt is a disaster
    dont F this up now, too
    just being honest.
    ps — thanks for at least asking our advice first though!

  2. Finally someone bravely speak out.
    Manhunt, you never say sorry to all of us what you have done past week.
    The only thing you think is how HARD working to fix the disaster.

  3. Call me crazy, but the last “upgrade” ManHunt tried wasn’t such a great success. I’d recommend a) not changing anything b) at least avoiding anything that looks like the new ManHunt.
    Just a thought.

  4. Guys – don’t…
    Surely you have learned from the past… Don’t fix it til its broken!!!!
    Whoever the wank-tard is that’s driving these ‘updates’ is needs to be shot!
    Kay, maybe not not – but needs to settle down a bit.

  5. you queens need to stop bitching. clearly it is a joke and he is just pulling our chain. for crying out loud how fucktarded can some of you be?? [no need to respond, that was rhetorical]

  6. I’m sure you folks are noticing a trend in the comments. The new manhunt just isnt working. You really shouldnt attempt to “fix” manhunt daily until you have all the bugs out of Manhunt.

  7. RUINING THE ONE THING that still works.
    Guess none of you (especially *andy*) even read ALL THESE comments.

  8. I agree. The new Manhunt sucks, please don’t screw this up too!! Fix the Manhunt site first. . kthxbai

  9. YES, PLEASE put Manhunt back the way it was. And please leave Manhunt Daily just the way it is.

  10. i almost puked when i saw that “new manhunt daily” i’m so glad it was a joke. i don’t mind the new manhunt, just been seeing a few bugs that seem to be worked out for the most part.

  11. Hey Guys,
    We’re obviously not going to touch the Daily until MANHUNT is completely bug free. The IT guys are working extra hard to make sure things are running smoothly. Our CS department is working overtime to answer all the thousands of emails they received because of the new site.
    In regards to the redesign of MANHUNT Daily, Dewitt and I have complete say of what happens to the blog. In a previous post, many of you guys suggested we have a search feature and to clean up the categories on the side bar. The current blogging provider doesn’t really provide that so we are looking at different blogging services that does have what you guys suggested. AND the redesign is not going to happen anytime soon. If it does happen, the blog will still be simple and easy to navigate.
    Oh and AMERICANSOLDIER, are you trying to flirt with me by calling me out? LOL… just kidding. We appreciate every comment and we do read every single one. Last but not least, be on the look out for another blog contest coming very shortly as a token of our appreciation. Thanks to you guys, we grew rapidly and we’ll make sure that we keep writing what you guys love reading.
    Your Beloved Blogger,
    – Andy

  12. ok. lets not make this about manhunt. ye, it’s a disaster, but they won’t change it.
    they asked for suggestion for manhunt daily, so if u guys don’t wanna see another disappointment, then come up with some ideas.
    my super main request would be:
    DONT make scroll pages within pages like u did on manhunt. it’s pretty irritating to scroll the wheel of the mouse down just to discover that nothing moves and you need to point it directly into that smaller window for anything to move.
    i’ll try to make it more clear. try to write a long comment and u will notice that a scroll will soon appear in the comment box while u type. to scroll up or down the text u just types, u’ll need to point your mouse into that box. well it’s fine with comment box, but PLEASE don’t do it for blog entries or anything else like categories etc.
    on a side note, pop-up menus aren’t really ‘wow’ – they are cumbersome, they make u lose the thing that just pop-uped if u dont move ur mouse in a precise direction. they usually have a minor delay, makes u search for subcategories etc – not a good idea in other words even if once in a while it will save u time opening a new page to access that certain thing. and u stuffed manhunt with them. so, my second request – don’t do this for manhunt daily. just keep it simple. if all categories don’t fit, then just delete a few or squeeze them somehow, don’t break them down into those pop-up categories.
    anyhow, i spent 20 minutes writing this. (starting at 4:30 am). i hope it wasn’t for nothing even if u disagree. pardon any incoherences cos it’s hard to brainstorm at this hour 🙂

  13. While this was in part funny, it also was not. I am still mad as hell that the site just does nto work right, taking over windows, continually readjusting the profile pop ups and scanning all over the page for flashing red.
    I am overwhelmed with joy you are having a “contest,” so that a few pissed off people can win. Just give us all a month credit for all the BS we have been put through related to this “upgrade.:

  14. As a web developer myself, I would suggest widening the content in the center, especially for posts that get a little longer, it’s annoying to have to scroll such as long way. I would also remove some of the noise on the sides. Honestly, blogs are supposed to be about simplicity, so listing like 10 different ways to search through it, like by categories, and archive and stuff is really not necessary in my opinion. Good luck with the redesign.

  15. I agree with Daniel. The categories are great if you are “researching” but essentially not necessary. The main problem I have with ManHunt is that it is too flashy, “Vista-like.” On the same note, I feel you should change the catch phrase to “Get On. Click on a link. Scroll Down. Scroll Down. Click. Get off.”
    I digress; getting rid of the stuff on the left side will open up for what Daniel is suggesting. Good luck.

  16. I dont really care about the update. There is more to my life then meeting guys online, so I have no reason to freak out…

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