Sacha Baron Cohen Censored Himself Because We’re Kind of Uptight

Bruno in London
When Sacha Baron Cohen created Borat, he didn't give a flying fuck about offending people. So what's this business about him reshooting several sequences for Bruno because gay test audiences thought they were too offensive?
I expect to be offended by Bruno, but not in a "let's grab picket signs and protest" sort of way. GLAAD and the HRC don't seem to be too happy about the film, and frankly I'm wondering if they're being a little too uptight about Baron Cohen's brand of humor.
On the other hand, I think the overall message of Bruno is intended to be positive, and if there were doubts that some of the jokes would downplay the good vibes… well, that might be understood.

– Dewitt

Check out a video of Sacha at the London premiere of Bruno, after the JUMP:

3 thoughts on “Sacha Baron Cohen Censored Himself Because We’re Kind of Uptight

  1. why is everyone soo up in arms over this? just because its gay its not right? we all know what to expect from him, its a comedy, not to be taken too seriously. If its not your type of funny then dont see it. there was no one protesting Borat when it came out becuase it gave hetrosexuals a bad image. who cares…. people need to stop taking things so literaly and just learn to laugh sometimes….

  2. I know don’t care what anyone says; I absolutely love this man! I think he is a very funny and talented man.
    It is comedy! I think people are up in arms because they somehow think the general public may become slightly even more homophobic after viewing his antics. I think that is outright ludicrous. He is in no way doing what he does in malice but as a form of comedy; people know that.
    I think as a community, we have many more things to worry about than a movie’s effects.
    Borat was another movie that I thought people were way too uptight about. What they should have been uptight about was not Borat’s jokes but the hate and malice that spewed from the people he duped into thinking he was actually a reporter (i.e. the older man at the rodeo who said we should be killed). It just shows that the perception of many has not changed and he brought that to light more than anything for me — on many levels.
    I love Sasha!

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